? S'up , folks
. I hope that wherever you are at the moment , you're doing pretty well
So , first of all , I think I owe my favorite forum an apology for my absence , which I don't even know how to justify , given that I still log in every now and then ,'cuz even with all the distractions social media platforms provide , I still actually hold a special place in my heart for "3bir forums " in general , and for its English section in particular
.. Anyway
Now , that I'm done " eating crow " , let me introduce the idea of this thread to you . Hopefully , no one else have thought about it before , so I wouldn't have to see my thread tossed in the dustbin , or - God forbid - deleted altogether . So , the idea is quite simple . You just go ahead and share whatever you'd like to share - Sky's the limit ! Nah , clearly , that last part is an overstatement , 'cuz , you know , there are still these " pesky" rules that we CAN'T break . If you've been here long enough to learn the fundamental rules by heart , then , I believe it would be redundant to remind you , people , that music videos shall not be included here . AND , do I really have to state the minor parts of "the obvious " as well ? .. Any kind of obscenity is definitely out of the question , too
Ok , so , to restate the idea again and in a more professional manner this time , especially for those who may have had a problem with my unnecessarily lengthy introduction , and just wanted me to knock off the " blah-blah " and cut right to it . Feel free , guys , to post anything that may have stuck out to you while surfing on the internet , whether it's a news item , an article , a joke , a video , or whatever . As I said before , there is no limit to what you can share here , as long as it doesn't break the rules
.. Cheers