" ? Wanna Share ... "

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  • Off The Grid
    كُلُّهُم رَحَلـوا ...
    • Dec 2004
    • 4012

    " ? Wanna Share ... "

    ? S'up , folks
    . I hope that wherever you are at the moment , you're doing pretty well

    So , first of all , I think I owe my favorite forum an apology for my absence , which I don't even know how to justify , given that I still log in every now and then ,'cuz even with all the distractions social media platforms provide , I still actually hold a special place in my heart for "3bir forums " in general , and for its English section in particular

    .. Anyway
    Now , that I'm done " eating crow " , let me introduce the idea of this thread to you . Hopefully , no one else have thought about it before , so I wouldn't have to see my thread tossed in the dustbin , or - God forbid - deleted altogether . So , the idea is quite simple . You just go ahead and share whatever you'd like to share - Sky's the limit ! Nah , clearly , that last part is an overstatement , 'cuz , you know , there are still these " pesky" rules that we CAN'T break . If you've been here long enough to learn the fundamental rules by heart , then , I believe it would be redundant to remind you , people , that music videos shall not be included here . AND , do I really have to state the minor parts of "the obvious " as well ? .. Any kind of obscenity is definitely out of the question , too

    Ok , so , to restate the idea again and in a more professional manner this time , especially for those who may have had a problem with my unnecessarily lengthy introduction , and just wanted me to knock off the " blah-blah " and cut right to it . Feel free , guys , to post anything that may have stuck out to you while surfing on the internet , whether it's a news item , an article , a joke , a video , or whatever . As I said before , there is no limit to what you can share here , as long as it doesn't break the rules


    .. Cheers

    التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة Off The Grid; 24-08-2016, 08:40 PM.
  • Off The Grid
    كُلُّهُم رَحَلـوا ...
    • Dec 2004
    • 4012

    رد: " ? Wanna Share ... "


    ... Creepypastas

    ? Can you imagine hearing someone pronounce the word " creepypasta" like it's the name of their lover
    hhh , yeah , this is pretty much how I pronounce it ! .. Creepy stories are actually like heroine to me , and , thankfully ,of course , I don't do drugs . So , you don't have to raise your eyebrows on me at this point ! ... Actually , it's been a while now since the moment I realized that getting a good scare every once in a while , is not such a bad thing after all . You may feel a bit uneasy at first , especially if you're not used to this kind of stuff , but eventually , you'll sure as hell love it , and even crave it the way you crave sweets . So , if you feel like joining me here , turn off the lights , sit back ... and ENJOY

    YouTubessa voit nauttia parhaista videoista ja musiikista, ladata alkuperäistä sisältöä ja jakaa kaiken ystäviesi, perheesi ja koko maailman kanssa.
    التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة Off The Grid; 24-08-2016, 09:56 PM.


    • Off The Grid
      كُلُّهُم رَحَلـوا ...
      • Dec 2004
      • 4012

      رد: " ? Wanna Share ... "

      ? Can you believe this stupid video has reached over 1 million views in the past 24 hours
      . I think it's amazing how the likes of her have managed to make tons of money by just pretending to be something they're not
      I bet y'all would be like " Why on earth is she acting like that ? " - ACTING being the operative word here , of course , 'cuz that's basically what this manipulative , little freak is doing in all of her videos
      I still don't understand how she got conspiracy theorists to concur that she's being held hostage in this house , and that she's coerced into filming these videos
      ? .. What , is it because she mumbled something along the lines of " help me ! " in a previous video
      ! Boo-freakin'-hoo
      Personally , I didn't buy into this whole kidnapping scenario , because , let's face it - These days , there's a plethora of Youtubers who would go to any lengths to be famous , and this creepy creature certainly adds to the glut
      What can I say ? Kudos to her for outsmarting her gullible audience , despite the fact that she's not even THAT good to begin with

      YouTubessa voit nauttia parhaista videoista ja musiikista, ladata alkuperäistä sisältöä ja jakaa kaiken ystäviesi, perheesi ja koko maailman kanssa.

      التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة Off The Grid; 27-08-2016, 03:45 PM.


      • ShahrzaD
        V - I - P
        • Oct 2009
        • 3801

        رد: " ? Wanna Share ... "

        Hi Zenab ^_^

        I love Ted shows, I have many videos from this website I would love to share her
        للي حابين يتابعون المقطع بترجمه، يفعلون خاصية الترجمه في المقطع من الإعدادات

        YouTubessa voit nauttia parhaista videoista ja musiikista, ladata alkuperäistä sisältöä ja jakaa kaiken ystäviesi, perheesi ja koko maailman kanssa.


        • Off The Grid
          كُلُّهُم رَحَلـوا ...
          • Dec 2004
          • 4012

          رد: " ? Wanna Share ... "

          المشاركة الأصلية بواسطة ShahrzaD

          Hi Zenab ^_^

          I love Ted shows, I have many videos from this website I would love to share her
          للي حابين يتابعون المقطع بترجمه، يفعلون خاصية الترجمه في المقطع من الإعدادات

          YouTubessa voit nauttia parhaista videoista ja musiikista, ladata alkuperäistä sisältöä ja jakaa kaiken ystäviesi, perheesi ja koko maailman kanssa.

          .. Hey , you

          I truly appreciate you sharing this AMAZING video with us . Well , to be honest , Youtube's sidebar has already recommended it for me several times lately , but I don't know why I haven't paid any attention to it until you recommended it yourself . But , still , " better late than never ", right ? ... At least , now I understand where all the " I love me " memes came from hhh . I used to take them lightly , even laugh at them sometimes , but now , I'm starting to see them in a whole new light , which , I believe , is the whole point


          • Off The Grid
            كُلُّهُم رَحَلـوا ...
            • Dec 2004
            • 4012

            رد: " ? Wanna Share ... "

            ... How to quit your stupid job in a blaze of glory


            • Off The Grid
              كُلُّهُم رَحَلـوا ...
              • Dec 2004
              • 4012

              رد: " ? Wanna Share ... "

              I know for a fact that these terrorists (a.k.a rats ) might be the closest thing to my neighborhood atm , and that I could be blown to bits any minute now . That said , I think it's kind of weird that I'm STILL having a hard time giving a damn , even though demise is looming large . I don't know - I guess , at this point , life and death seem ridiculously identical
              التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة Off The Grid; 31-08-2016, 01:30 PM.


              • Off The Grid
                كُلُّهُم رَحَلـوا ...
                • Dec 2004
                • 4012

                رد: " ? Wanna Share ... "

                And all you did was inadvertently outrun dozens of millions of sperms , which is actually funny considering the crummy reward nine months later - One that you could never have turned down anyway



                • ShahrzaD
                  V - I - P
                  • Oct 2009
                  • 3801

                  رد: " ? Wanna Share ... "

                  Im here again with another TED show ^_
                  I bet you would like it too


                  • Off The Grid
                    كُلُّهُم رَحَلـوا ...
                    • Dec 2004
                    • 4012

                    رد: " ? Wanna Share ... "

                    The first thing that came to mind while listening to these eerie sounds , was The Bohemian Grove

                    Ps : This isn't actually the video I had intended to share with you , guys , the first time around , 'cuz shortly after posting the other one , it somehow just magically disappeared from Youtube . Could it be because I mentioned " The Bohemian Grove " in my comment there , too ? Something tells me this could've been the case ! But , whatever it is that "scared" the owner into deleting the video within minutes of publishing it , will definitely remain a mystery

                    YouTubessa voit nauttia parhaista videoista ja musiikista, ladata alkuperäistä sisältöä ja jakaa kaiken ystäviesi, perheesi ja koko maailman kanssa.


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