" Good-Bye "
Have you wondered why you shared in those past days,
Given all your love and feelings in so many ways.
Was your heart just longing for someone to care,
Or just lonely cause no one was there.
Feelings were shared from your heart you know,
So much Love from feelings that did flow.
If you turn back the clock those days won't end,
Your love will be forever and more then a friend.
But you took your loving feelings and walked away,
Never saying good-bye to share another day.
Life does bring loving days and some sorrow, Love is here today and could be gone tomorrow.
شكرا لكم ....... وهذه أخر مشاركة لي في عبير اللغات
واتمنى ان تكون مشاركاتي قد نالت اعجابكم
وعذرا لاي قصور ولاني وعدت المشاركة في القسم واتمنى ان اكون
قد وفيت جزء من وعدي
محتي للجميع

Have you wondered why you shared in those past days,
Given all your love and feelings in so many ways.
Was your heart just longing for someone to care,
Or just lonely cause no one was there.
Feelings were shared from your heart you know,
So much Love from feelings that did flow.
If you turn back the clock those days won't end,
Your love will be forever and more then a friend.
But you took your loving feelings and walked away,
Never saying good-bye to share another day.
Life does bring loving days and some sorrow, Love is here today and could be gone tomorrow.
شكرا لكم ....... وهذه أخر مشاركة لي في عبير اللغات
واتمنى ان تكون مشاركاتي قد نالت اعجابكم
وعذرا لاي قصور ولاني وعدت المشاركة في القسم واتمنى ان اكون
قد وفيت جزء من وعدي
محتي للجميع