............. Good-Bye

  • الوقت
  • عرض
إلغاء تحديد الكل
مشاركات جديدة
  • جنان عبدالله
    عضو ذهبي
    • Mar 2006
    • 838

    ............. Good-Bye

    " Good-Bye "

    Have you wondered why you shared in those past days,
    Given all your love and feelings in so many ways.
    Was your heart just longing for someone to care,
    Or just lonely cause no one was there.
    Feelings were shared from your heart you know,
    So much Love from feelings that did flow.
    If you turn back the clock those days won't end,
    Your love will be forever and more then a friend.
    But you took your loving feelings and walked away,
    Never saying good-bye to share another day.
    Life does bring loving days and some sorrow, Love is here today and could be gone tomorrow.

    شكرا لكم ....... وهذه أخر مشاركة لي في عبير اللغات
    واتمنى ان تكون مشاركاتي قد نالت اعجابكم
    وعذرا لاي قصور ولاني وعدت المشاركة في القسم واتمنى ان اكون
    قد وفيت جزء من وعدي
    محتي للجميع
    التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة جنان عبدالله; 04-12-2006, 05:23 PM.
  • شجون عمان
    • Aug 2006
    • 42

    رد: ............. Good-Bye

    Love is here today and could be gone tomorrow.
    .......great feeling when some body love u and ur so lucky dear becouse we r all lave u from our
    hearts and we will love u for ever u are a great sister so our love will never gone so why u are leaving dear??????,,,,,all your shiny words will be light her for ever......
    it was realy nice from u and thank u so much dear for all your activites her and we are proud of u ....
    so pleace dear don't go we want u to stay with as ,,,,,,,share to geather the hapiness and sadness
    don't leave your sisters,brothers and friends her dear pleace change your mind and come back it is so hard to say good bye dear really hard so don't say it the time is not over and we are all still her.

    with all my love,,,,,shgoonh


    • جنان عبدالله
      عضو ذهبي
      • Mar 2006
      • 838

      رد: ............. Good-Bye

      شجون عمان
      thank u 4 ur nice words


      • جوري الورد
        عـضـو فعال
        • Apr 2005
        • 141
        • يظن الناس بي خيراً وإني...لشر الناس إن لم تعف عني..

        رد: ............. Good-Bye

        حينما يغادر الجميع وتنتهي الضوضاء
        يبقى أشخاص معدودون عالقون بسطح الذاكرة وخلايا القلب
        هؤلاء هم الحقيقة والباقي وهم


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