" .. My Forbidden Fruit .. "

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  • Off The Grid
    كُلُّهُم رَحَلـوا ...
    • Dec 2004
    • 4012

    " .. My Forbidden Fruit .. "

    I just finished writing this . It won't be worth a dime without your presence & support

    When you take the first bite and then chew it , you won't get enough of it by the time you swallow it . Instead , you'll find yourself thinking about taking a second bite . Even if you try to distract yourself , your soul will be itching inside and you'll be craving like crazy . This is how temptation works with everything , because by reminding yourself of how that " forbidden fruit " tastes , you'll be instantly hooked . Thus , only a miracle will be able to save you . Since we're not used to seeing spontaneous miracles , nowadays , then it's up to you to figure your way out . It's natural for every person to have his/her own "Forbidden fruit " ( ie : addiction ) . Of course , the use of F.F , here , is metaphorical and it has nothing to do with the religious context . For instance , your Forbidden fruit can be chocolate ( Gaah ! look at this innocent example , hehe ) , whereas your friend's is pizza ... etc . Mine , on the other hand , is bread . I know ... I know ! I can hear you laughing from behind my screen ! . Actually , when I think of it myself , I can't help but have a big laugh on me too . So , it's the bread ! . Since I'm already dieting , this forbidden fruit has become a true nightmare . I literally melt at the very sight of a nicely-baked fluffy loaf . What exactly happens to me , when I see bread , is pathetic and laughable really ! My right hand mechanically reaches out to take a small piece and then throws it in my damn trap . Words can't even describe the joy of chewing bread ! . You may feel sorry for me while you're still laughing . But today , I decided to say it out loud that " This is over ! " ; that I won't be dragged down to this anymore , that I'm declaring an eternal war against bread . The fact of saying it out loud motivated me , you know . I even took a slight look at the leftover bread (ps : it was slight because I wouldn't risk falling into temptation if it lasted longer ! ) and then had a nervous smirk on my face .I'm sure If I was a little nastier , I'd stick my tongue out at it . Forgive me Allah , but if it hadn't been for this strange addiction , I wouldn't be gaining those few extra pounds . did I mention that I'm dieting ? So , that's what my tragedy is all about

    ! Now , it's your turn to tell me about your " Forbidden fruits" . Just be honest about them

    التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة Off The Grid; 27-09-2013, 05:53 PM.

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