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بنات إخواني الحلوات ...الله يحميهن لمى هزار
الكلمات الدلالية (Tags): لا يوجد
رد: بناتـ إخواني الحلوات ...الله يحميهنـ لمى & هزار
براءة لذييذة , و ملامح تقطر شهدا ..
ليحفظهما الله | -
When you hold your hand the Koran that the devil gets angry and yell and yell when you open it more ... Suffereth violence, and more and when you say the name of God breaks down and began to read if he fainted And did you know that if you thought to send this message to your friends to Istfedo them he would try to prevent you
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