Translation is a cornerstone , in the process of learning any language . But we're only concerned about the English language , here . For this reason , this thread is going to be about translating small passages , either from Arabic into English or vice versa
Using Google is never a choice , here , because you have to do this yourself . Don't worry about the mistakes , and remember that only mistakes teach us how to do things right
I'll be around , inshallah , to help you / support you / advise you / correct you
.. So , there's nothing to worry about
Remember : Try to translate the meanings , NOT the words . Do not make it a word-by-word translation because it never works
This passage is going to be our first shot
: I quoted it from
في بيتنا رجل - إحسان عبد القدوس
" ملأ صدره بكل ما بقي من أنفاسه ثم استدار لهم .. و رأوا وجهه .. وجها خاليا إلا من تعبير واحد لا يتغير .. تعبير مريح هادىء يجذبك إليه و يسلب منك قلبك و عقلك .. و الذين لم ينظروا إلى عينيه لم يروا مدى ما كان يعانيه من حيرة و جزع و خوف .