" . . ! How Ironic || Lit. . "

  • الوقت
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إلغاء تحديد الكل
مشاركات جديدة
  • Off The Grid
    كُلُّهُم رَحَلـوا ...
    • Dec 2004
    • 4011

    " . . ! How Ironic || Lit. . "

    I wrote this one very quickly . But I hope it appeals to you

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    How ironic that once you decide to move on , everything around you pulls you back

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    How ironic that dreams manage to haunt our heads . Even though we know they're not real ; They're NEVER real

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    How ironic that what we share is much more now that we're apart

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    How ironic that friends can grow fangs , before you know it , and that the missing portion of your heart bleeds through their teeth , every time they smile to you & you smile back

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    How ironic that you need to disguise yourself to know what's been real , behind your back

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    How ironic that only love teaches us how to hate , when this feeling resigns

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    How ironic that we only get better by getting worse , first

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    How ironic that our torch has been extinguished by our piss
    (Pardon my French , here )

    التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة Off The Grid; 04-09-2013, 12:54 AM.
  • على خبرك
    عضو فضي
    • Nov 2011
    • 653

    • الحمدلله ! ملء سماء علت وارض رست

    رد: " . . ! How Ironic || Lit. . "

    Thank you for all of the words


    • Off The Grid
      كُلُّهُم رَحَلـوا ...
      • Dec 2004
      • 4011

      رد: " . . ! How Ironic || Lit. . "

      المشاركة الأصلية بواسطة على خبرك
      Thank you for all of the words

      .. I'm glad you passed by


      • Off The Grid
        كُلُّهُم رَحَلـوا ...
        • Dec 2004
        • 4011

        رد: " . . ! How Ironic || Lit. . "

        .. How ironic that even at our critical junctures , we pull out the wrong plug . Hence , we lapse


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