"..Dear Friend .."

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  • Off The Grid
    كُلُّهُم رَحَلـوا ...
    • Dec 2004
    • 4012

    "..Dear Friend .."

    , Dear friend
    I wasn't planning on writing you this . I mean , after all , words never do us any good , when the things we need to fix require more than just a shallow acoustic intervention . You must know I'm talking about love ; about this warm aura that kept shining over our heads for as long as the words " I love you " lasted in the air , until the angry winds of fate blew these words away . No wonder , we stood with our mouths hanging open , finding it hard to believe that fantasies could actually end up being torn to shreds and that these sweet dreams that filled our heads were nothing but silly hallucinations . I'm not blaming this on you ; neither on me . Maybe we weren't ready yet to accept the fact that we're as corrupted and unfortunate as everybody else . Therefore , not everything would go the way we'd want it to . Now , as we are apart , we have all the time in the world to count our regrets , until we fall asleep and dream about our impossible reunion . I'd see you holding my hands again while you whisper in my ears things I wouldn't enjoy hearing them from somebody else . I'd see you hiding a rose behind your back and waiting for the right moment to surprise me with it . I'd see many things before the nasty rays wake me up and remind me that we're not together anymore

    .. I just needed to write this out of nowhere
    and I hope that you'll like some of it , at least

    التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة Off The Grid; 27-08-2013, 09:36 PM.

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