How Would You React ||GAME

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  • Off The Grid
    كُلُّهُم رَحَلـوا ...
    • Dec 2004
    • 4012

    رد: How Would You React ||GAME

    I'd write my will as fast as I could .. because I always believe in the proverb that says : "If you see
    " your neighbor has shaved his beard, you should start lathering yours


    ? How would you act/react if you developed the inability to make new memories


    • Off The Grid
      كُلُّهُم رَحَلـوا ...
      • Dec 2004
      • 4012

      رد: How Would You React ||GAME

      Sure, I would be repeating myself in an embarrassing way , without even noticing it

      Maybe everybody would think I had lost it already , and that the mental asylum would be a better place for me


      How would you react if everybody at home caught you revealing personal details/secrets , while asleep


      • Off The Grid
        كُلُّهُم رَحَلـوا ...
        • Dec 2004
        • 4012

        رد: How Would You React ||GAME

        I couldn't care less because my secrets aren't interesting at all . I'm just keeping them because I like to think that I know somethings they don't know about


        How would you react if the owner of this forum suddenly decided to give you the administrator permissions


        • Off The Grid
          كُلُّهُم رَحَلـوا ...
          • Dec 2004
          • 4012

          رد: How Would You React ||GAME

          I'm sure taking the deal wouldn't hurt


          How would you react if you found out you had a 6th sense


          • Off The Grid
            كُلُّهُم رَحَلـوا ...
            • Dec 2004
            • 4012

            رد: How Would You React ||GAME

            Frankly , I'd be better off without it . The ability to predict future events wouldn't leave a room for guessing


            How would you react if they told you that seeing your face , first thing in the morning , was a bad luck sign


            • Off The Grid
              كُلُّهُم رَحَلـوا ...
              • Dec 2004
              • 4012

              رد: How Would You React ||GAME

              I'd simply laugh at whoever claimed this before asking him/her to keep his/her rosary handy , just in case I was around


              How would you react if a bird peed on your precious hanging bed sheets


              • Off The Grid
                كُلُّهُم رَحَلـوا ...
                • Dec 2004
                • 4012

                رد: How Would You React ||GAME

                I'd hit it with a slingshot , if it were handy


                How would you react if you happened to watch TV with your family .. and while you were switching channels , an unexpected making-out scene was displayed

                << Because it already happened to me


                • Off The Grid
                  كُلُّهُم رَحَلـوا ...
                  • Dec 2004
                  • 4012

                  رد: How Would You React ||GAME

                  I'd switch the damn channel at the speed of light . Hopefully , the remote control wouldn't slip out of my shaking hand , while at it

                  As for my feelings , my pale face would say it all

                  - - - -

                  How would you react if you saw something like that , while you were on the airplane


                  • Off The Grid
                    كُلُّهُم رَحَلـوا ...
                    • Dec 2004
                    • 4012

                    رد: How Would You React ||GAME

                    .. ! I've got to be kidding
                    God forbid I ever had to spot such an enormous storm

                    Because if I did , I'd sh*t my pants in two shakes of a lamb's tail

                    - - -

                    How would you react if there was a rumor about a real vampire roaming your city


                    • Off The Grid
                      كُلُّهُم رَحَلـوا ...
                      • Dec 2004
                      • 4012

                      رد: How Would You React ||GAME

                      I'd bolt the doors with silver locks


                      How would react if you found out that the person you got married to was an asexual


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