25 Common English Idioms

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  • انا العاشق انا المغرم
    • Sep 2006
    • 36

    25 Common English Idioms

    25 Common English Idioms
    for Students of English
    Learn Colorful and Useful English Vocabulary!

    Increase your vocabulary and speak more natural English by studying the idioms and expressions below. These are some of the most common expressions in English. Study the example sentences which show how idioms are used in context when you speak English. Have fun!

    English Expression 1. as easy as pie means "very easy" (same as "a piece of cake")
    Example: He said it is a difficult problem, but I don't agree. It seems as easy as pie to me!

    English Expression 2. be sick and tired of means "I hate" (also "can't stand")
    Example: I'm sick and tired of doing nothing but work. Let's go out tonight and have fun.

    English Expression 3. bend over backwards means "try very hard" (maybe too much!)
    Example: He bent over backwards to please his new wife, but she never seemed satisfied.

    English Expression 4. bite off more than one can chew means "take responsibility for more than one can manage"
    Example: John is so far behind in his studies. Besides classes, he plays sports and works at a part-time job. It seems he has bitten off more than he can chew.

    English Expression 5. broke means "to have no money"
    Example: I have to borrow some money from my Dad. Right now, I'm broke.

    English Expression 6. change one's mind means "decide to do something different from what had been decided earlier"
    Example: I was planning to work late tonight, but I changed my mind. I'll do extra work on the weekend instead.

    English Expression 7. Cut it out! means "stop doing something bad"
    Example: That noise is really annoying. Cut it out!

    English Expression 8. drop someone a line means "send a letter or email to someone"
    Example: It was good to meet you and I hope we can see each other again. Drop me a line when you have time.

    English Expression 9. figure something out means "come to understand a problem"
    Example: I don't understand how to do this problem. Take a look at it. Maybe you can figure it out.

    English Expression 10. fill in for someone means "do their work while they are away"
    Example: While I was away from the store, my brother filled in for me.

    English Expression 11. in ages means "for a very long time"
    Example: Have you seen Joe recently? I haven't seen him in ages.

    English Expression 12. give someone a hand means "help"
    Example: I want to move this desk to the next room. Can you give me a hand?

    English Expression 13. hit the hay means "go to bed" (also "hit the sack")
    Example: It's after 12 o'clock. I think it's time to hit the hay.

    English Expression 14. in the black means "the business is making money, it is profitable"
    Example: Our business is really improving. We've been in the black all year.

    English Expression 15. in the red means "the business is losing money, it is unprofitable"
    Example: Business is really going poorly these days. We've been in the red for the past three months.

    English Expression 16. in the nick of time means "not too late, but very close!"
    Example: I got to the drugstore just in the nick of time. It's a good thing, because I really need this medicine!

    English Expression 17. keep one's chin up means "remain brave and keep on trying"
    Example: I know things have been difficult for you recently, but keep your chin up. It will get better soon.

    English Expression 18. know something like the back of your hand means "know something very, very well"

    Example: If you get lost, just ask me for directions. I know this part of town like the back of my hand

    English Expression 19. once in a while means "sometimes, not very often"
    Example: Have you been to the new movie theater? No, only see movies once in a while. I usually stay home and watch TV.

    English Expression 20. sharp means "exactly at a that time"
    Example: I'll meet you at 9 o'clock sharp. If you're late, we'll be in trouble!

    English Expression 21. sleep on it means "think about something before making a decision"
    Example: That sounds like a good deal, but I'd like to sleep on it before I give you my final decision.

    English Expression 22. take it easy means "relax"
    Example: I don't have any special plans for the summer. I think I'll just take it easy.

    English Expression 23. to get the ball rolling means "start something, especially something big"
    Example: We need to get this project started as soon as possible. I'm hoping you will help me get the ball rolling.

    English Expression 24. up to the minute means "the most recent information"
    Example: I wish I knew more about what is happening in the capital city. We need more up to the minute news.

    English Expression 25. twenty-four/seven means "every minute of every day, all the time"
    Example: You can access our web site 24/7. It's very convenient!

  • Off The Grid
    كُلُّهُم رَحَلـوا ...
    • Dec 2004
    • 4012

    رد: 25 Common English Idioms

    .Thank God , i happen to know most of them already . But it's a great opportunity to know the rest
    Thank you , bro for what you brought us here :)
    Though , i wish you shared it with us here , since my thread is already posted for that matter

    ! Hey folks :) This is a simple continuation of this thread https://v.3bir.net/261233/ .Actually , i have a lot of admiration for English idioms because of their implicit meanings It blows my mind when sometimes i tend to guess the meaning of certain idioms and then fail , because i need to put them in their contexts ?Ah !

    :) Ta ta


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