lets play a game

  • الوقت
  • عرض
إلغاء تحديد الكل
مشاركات جديدة
  • حازم الهوارى
    عـضـو فعال
    • May 2009
    • 79
    • **لا تأسفن على غدر الزمان لطالما .. رقصت على جثث الأسود كلاب**
      *لا تحسبنّ برقصها تعلو أسيادها.. تبقى الاسودُ أسودٌ والكلابُ كلابُ *

    lets play a game

    Our game is to narrate a magnificient story
    the first one to start with a sentence and the other to complete after him
    all the story is from our imagination
  • حازم الهوارى
    عـضـو فعال
    • May 2009
    • 79
    • **لا تأسفن على غدر الزمان لطالما .. رقصت على جثث الأسود كلاب**
      *لا تحسبنّ برقصها تعلو أسيادها.. تبقى الاسودُ أسودٌ والكلابُ كلابُ *

    رد: lets play a game

    And i will start

    once upon a time there was a farmer.


    • جوجو العسولة
      عضو متألق
      • Jul 2012
      • 363

      رد: lets play a game

      He went to his farm to feed the hungry animals

      الترجمة بالعربي

      ذهب الى مزرعته لكي يطعم حيواناته الجائعة


      • حازم الهوارى
        عـضـو فعال
        • May 2009
        • 79
        • **لا تأسفن على غدر الزمان لطالما .. رقصت على جثث الأسود كلاب**
          *لا تحسبنّ برقصها تعلو أسيادها.. تبقى الاسودُ أسودٌ والكلابُ كلابُ *

        رد: lets play a game

        He found a fox, the fox killed five goats.


        • Off The Grid
          كُلُّهُم رَحَلـوا ...
          • Dec 2004
          • 4012

          رد: lets play a game

          , When the farmer saw the poor slaughtered goats laying dead on the ground
          he ran back to his cottage and came out with a rifle

          Glad to see you back , Hazem



          • الثائر
            • Aug 2012
            • 7

            رد: lets play a game

            but he didn't find the fox there


            • Off The Grid
              كُلُّهُم رَحَلـوا ...
              • Dec 2004
              • 4012

              رد: lets play a game

              So , he made his way through the woods in attempt to catch the runaway fox


              • الثائر
                • Aug 2012
                • 7

                رد: lets play a game

                after spending two hours in the forest the man understood that he might never find the fox this way, so he had to think about another solution, a trap


                • Off The Grid
                  كُلُّهُم رَحَلـوا ...
                  • Dec 2004
                  • 4012

                  رد: lets play a game

                  He put a large piece of poisoned meat in an uncovered space , not far away from the grazing goats


                  • Off The Grid
                    كُلُّهُم رَحَلـوا ...
                    • Dec 2004
                    • 4012

                    رد: lets play a game

                    A moment later , the fox peeped carefully from behind a giant tree while the farmer was standing away watching what was going to happen


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