التجانس : يعرف بأنه واحدة من كلمتين أو أكثر لها نفس الصوت وفي أغلب الأحيان نفس التهجئ لكنها تختلف في المعنى.
A homonym is defined as one of two or more words that have the same sound and often the same spelling but differ in meaning
والان نترككم مع الأمثلة
1 من 4
Homonym List A - E
affect - effect
(التأثيرعلى)affect - verb -> to change or influence something or someone
affect - She wanted to affect the students in a way they'd never forget.
(نتيجة التأثير)effect - noun -> the result of a change or influence
The effect of the performance was stunning.
aisle - isle
(ممر)aisle - noun -> the walkway, as in a theater
I quickly walked down the aisle and took my seat.
(جزيرة) isle - noun -> island
He grew up on the isle of Elba.
allowed - aloud
(السماح ل )allowed - past tense of the verb 'to allow' -> to permit
His mother allowed him to stay up late on Saturday.
(جهرا)aloud - adverb -> using the voice, not silently
She read the story aloud
ate - eight
(أكل )ate - verb -> past tense of the verb 'to eat'
She ate a quick lunch and returned to work.
(رقم 8)eight - number -> the number 8
I bought eight tickets to the concert.
ball - bawl
(كرة)ball - noun -> a round object used in games and sports
He took a ball to the beach to play with the children.
(الصياح- بكاء بشدة)bawl - verb -> to cry (usually very hard)
Please don't bawl! It's not that bad.
billed - build
(دفع الفاتور))billed - verb -> past tense of the verb 'to bill'
She billed the clients for $4,000.
(شيد – بنى)build - verb -> to construct
They build houses in Portland, Oregon.
blew - blue
(نفخ)blew - verb -> past tense of the verb 'to blow'
She blew a lot of bubbles at her birthday party.
(اللون الأزرق)blue - adjective -> a colour
Her house is painted blue.
board - bored
(لوح)board - noun -> a plan of wood
I used a board to cover the window.
(ضجر)bored - adjective -> not interested
He was bored by the meeting.
break - brake
(يكسر)break - verb -> to damage something
Unfortunately, I often break my toys!
brake - noun -> stopping device on a vehicle
(كابح)He used the brake to stop quickly.
buy - by- bye
(يشتري)buy - verb -> to purchase
Do they often buy clothes in that shop?
by - preposition -> often used to express the agent in a passive sentence
(بواسطة)The song was written by Hammersmith.
(الوداع)bye - noun -> farewell
Bye! I'll see you tomorrow.
capital - capitol
(العاصمة )capital - noun -> A town or city that is head of government
Riyadh is the capital of Saudi Arabia .
capitol - noun -> A building where the government meets
The capitol is a beautiful building.
cell - sell
( زنزانة- معنى اخر خلية) cell - noun -> a small room, usually in a prison
There are two prisoners per cell in that prison.
(البيع)sell - verb -> to provide for sale
They sell books and magazines.
cent - scent- sent
(أحد انواع العملة)cent - noun -> 1/100 of a dollar
One cent isn't worth very much.
(الرائحة ))scent - noun -> an aroma
The scent in the air is fabulous!
أرسل))sent - verb -> past tense of the verb 'to send'
I sent you some pictures last week.
chance - chants
(فرصة - صدفة )chance - noun -> not on purpose
I saw Mary by chance in California.
(هتافات – أناشيد )chants - noun (plural) -> simple song or melody
We did some grammar chants in class last week.
chews - choose
(المضغ )chews - verb -> third person present singular of the verb 'to chew'
My daughter chews her food well.
(الأختيار)choose - verb -> to make a decision from amongst more than one
OK, I choose the red one.
close - clothes
(يغلق)close - verb -> to shut
Please close the door when you come in.
(ملابس)clothes - noun -> articles of clothing
He put on his clothes and left for work.
coarse - course
(خشن)coarse - adjective -> rough, not smooth
The fabric is rather coarse.
(فصل دراسي )course - noun -> a class in which a subject is studied
The English course will begin next week.
creak - creek
(صرير)creak - verb -> to squeak (make a high pitch sound)
The doors in the house all creak.
(جدول ماء)creek - noun -> small stream
The creek winds through the beautiful valley.
days - daze
(أيام)days - noun -> plural of 'day'
I work five days a week.
(مذهول- مبهور)daze - noun -> confused state
He walks around in a daze.
dear - deer
(عزيز- محبوب )dear - adjective -> beloved, often used to begin a letter
My dear Richard, you just don't understand!
(غزال)deer - noun -> an animal (Bambi - irregular plural: deer)
We saw three deer on our hike in the mountains.
dew - do- due
(الندى)dew - noun -> light water condensation usually found in the morning
The grass was covered with dew.
(يؤدي - يعمل )do - verb -> to perform
They usually do their homework immediately after school.
(مستحق الدفع )due-adjective-> payable
The full payment is due by the end of the month .
A homonym is defined as one of two or more words that have the same sound and often the same spelling but differ in meaning
والان نترككم مع الأمثلة
1 من 4
Homonym List A - E
affect - effect
(التأثيرعلى)affect - verb -> to change or influence something or someone
affect - She wanted to affect the students in a way they'd never forget.
(نتيجة التأثير)effect - noun -> the result of a change or influence
The effect of the performance was stunning.
aisle - isle
(ممر)aisle - noun -> the walkway, as in a theater
I quickly walked down the aisle and took my seat.
(جزيرة) isle - noun -> island
He grew up on the isle of Elba.
allowed - aloud
(السماح ل )allowed - past tense of the verb 'to allow' -> to permit
His mother allowed him to stay up late on Saturday.
(جهرا)aloud - adverb -> using the voice, not silently
She read the story aloud
ate - eight
(أكل )ate - verb -> past tense of the verb 'to eat'
She ate a quick lunch and returned to work.
(رقم 8)eight - number -> the number 8
I bought eight tickets to the concert.
ball - bawl
(كرة)ball - noun -> a round object used in games and sports
He took a ball to the beach to play with the children.
(الصياح- بكاء بشدة)bawl - verb -> to cry (usually very hard)
Please don't bawl! It's not that bad.
billed - build
(دفع الفاتور))billed - verb -> past tense of the verb 'to bill'
She billed the clients for $4,000.
(شيد – بنى)build - verb -> to construct
They build houses in Portland, Oregon.
blew - blue
(نفخ)blew - verb -> past tense of the verb 'to blow'
She blew a lot of bubbles at her birthday party.
(اللون الأزرق)blue - adjective -> a colour
Her house is painted blue.
board - bored
(لوح)board - noun -> a plan of wood
I used a board to cover the window.
(ضجر)bored - adjective -> not interested
He was bored by the meeting.
break - brake
(يكسر)break - verb -> to damage something
Unfortunately, I often break my toys!
brake - noun -> stopping device on a vehicle
(كابح)He used the brake to stop quickly.
buy - by- bye
(يشتري)buy - verb -> to purchase
Do they often buy clothes in that shop?
by - preposition -> often used to express the agent in a passive sentence
(بواسطة)The song was written by Hammersmith.
(الوداع)bye - noun -> farewell
Bye! I'll see you tomorrow.
capital - capitol
(العاصمة )capital - noun -> A town or city that is head of government
Riyadh is the capital of Saudi Arabia .
capitol - noun -> A building where the government meets
The capitol is a beautiful building.
cell - sell
( زنزانة- معنى اخر خلية) cell - noun -> a small room, usually in a prison
There are two prisoners per cell in that prison.
(البيع)sell - verb -> to provide for sale
They sell books and magazines.
cent - scent- sent
(أحد انواع العملة)cent - noun -> 1/100 of a dollar
One cent isn't worth very much.
(الرائحة ))scent - noun -> an aroma
The scent in the air is fabulous!
أرسل))sent - verb -> past tense of the verb 'to send'
I sent you some pictures last week.
chance - chants
(فرصة - صدفة )chance - noun -> not on purpose
I saw Mary by chance in California.
(هتافات – أناشيد )chants - noun (plural) -> simple song or melody
We did some grammar chants in class last week.
chews - choose
(المضغ )chews - verb -> third person present singular of the verb 'to chew'
My daughter chews her food well.
(الأختيار)choose - verb -> to make a decision from amongst more than one
OK, I choose the red one.
close - clothes
(يغلق)close - verb -> to shut
Please close the door when you come in.
(ملابس)clothes - noun -> articles of clothing
He put on his clothes and left for work.
coarse - course
(خشن)coarse - adjective -> rough, not smooth
The fabric is rather coarse.
(فصل دراسي )course - noun -> a class in which a subject is studied
The English course will begin next week.
creak - creek
(صرير)creak - verb -> to squeak (make a high pitch sound)
The doors in the house all creak.
(جدول ماء)creek - noun -> small stream
The creek winds through the beautiful valley.
days - daze
(أيام)days - noun -> plural of 'day'
I work five days a week.
(مذهول- مبهور)daze - noun -> confused state
He walks around in a daze.
dear - deer
(عزيز- محبوب )dear - adjective -> beloved, often used to begin a letter
My dear Richard, you just don't understand!
(غزال)deer - noun -> an animal (Bambi - irregular plural: deer)
We saw three deer on our hike in the mountains.
dew - do- due
(الندى)dew - noun -> light water condensation usually found in the morning
The grass was covered with dew.
(يؤدي - يعمل )do - verb -> to perform
They usually do their homework immediately after school.
(مستحق الدفع )due-adjective-> payable
The full payment is due by the end of the month .