Cheating During Exams || Chit-Chat

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  • ςάηđч
    V - I - P
    • Dec 2008
    • 3536

    Cheating During Exams || Chit-Chat

    ؟؟how you all deal with it

    Some students are very imaginative and innovative when it comes to inventing new ways of cheating
    How can you eliminate or reduce if not prevent it
    change the order of the items in the test or the exam paper,.
    change the sequencing of questions

    You tell them that honesty is a pre requisite for success in one's personal and professional life. it is wrong and dishonest

    What is the strangest way of cheating you ever encounter
    If you catch a pupil cheating ( red handed ) , Will you be strict with him or her

    ؟ Is not there a better way than punishment
    He or she may feel shy or embarrassed

    What are you views on this topic?

    (I know most of you aren't teachers but i want your opinions as students, parents, sisters and brothers )
    التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة Off The Grid; 02-09-2013, 01:18 AM. سبب آخر: Tagging the title
  • βθểїηĞ
    عضو متألق
    • Jul 2011
    • 161
    • "A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step"

    رد: Cheating During Exams

    I'll be back with complete answer and suggestions


    • ςάηđч
      V - I - P
      • Dec 2008
      • 3536

      رد: Cheating During Exams

      i am waiting


      • βθểїηĞ
        عضو متألق
        • Jul 2011
        • 161
        • "A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step"

        رد: Cheating During Exams

        my elder brother is a history teacher and he was damn the biggest cheater in his school. he used to right with a very sharp pencil on his nails do you believe it!! he used to ask the smart guys to carry-out for him the cheating tools such as ruller, earaser and all he needs and not in the exam coz they are loaded with valuable info and he knows that he'll be scanned before entering the exam court but the brilliant and smart student they dont.

        one of the good trecks he did, there was a flowers were planted inside large Nido can(MILK) and he wrote some tips on the can itself and he sat close to it (English exam) lool...

        if i caught some1 is cheating i'll let him complete his exam but without the cheating tools and i'll change his seat . this is my action in this regard.

        this is in a brief.

        nice topic indeed teacher keep it up.


        • Off The Grid
          كُلُّهُم رَحَلـوا ...
          • Dec 2004
          • 4012

          رد: Cheating During Exams

          ! A very interesting topic to blab about
          My closest friend wouldn't deal with an exam paper without having " her papers " somewhere in her pockets , or even down her pants . Even when I tried to keep her from making this mistake , she'd simply say that she can't sit an exam without bringing these " cheat sheets " . It did even sound funny having these kinds of arguments with her hehe . I remember that when we're about to enter the exam room , I'd say prayers like " please God be with me / Please God help me pass the exam " .. and my friend would pray by saying : " Please God , help me cheat successfully ! " .. and when I had to hear her say that , I would simply make a face

          التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة Off The Grid; 01-09-2013, 05:56 PM.


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