create joy in your life

  • الوقت
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إلغاء تحديد الكل
مشاركات جديدة
  • شجون عمان
    • Aug 2006
    • 42

    create joy in your life

    :We all have special moments in our lives. They are available to us in one dirge or another every single day. We can find them in the smile of someone w love, or in the smile of someone we do not even know. We can find them in the huge of a child , in the presence of a friend , or in the touch of a lover.

    Think about the times in your life when you have been overcome with joy. It is in those moments that you were in love with yourself and every one else.It was in those moments you believed you could conquer the world . It is from that imagination and that belief and that love that we can create our lives.

    Think about the things that bring you joy ,then make a point of connection with as many of them as possible and as often possible . Tap into moments of joy again and again, and absorb it into your present moment………………………………….

    At the end I hppe that I have gave you a nice topic and I wish all the best to you brothers and sisters- in the life , and don't forget to ask god the best to me and to every Moslem on the world thank you so much….
  • صاحبة سمو القلب المغرور
    عضو ذهبي
    • Apr 2006
    • 882
    • " كم من الأنبياء يجب أن يبعث الله في الأرض حتى نعلم أن بعض ما يقيدنا به المجتمع ليس حقا ,
      وإنما هي عادات تحورت لتأخذ شكل العقيدة ,
      فصار كل من يخرج عنه وهو على حق ,
      كأنما خرج من ملته التي يستعصم بها"

      للضرورة فقط

    and don't forget to ask god the best

    i gree with u 100%

    thanx sweety



    • شجون عمان
      • Aug 2006
      • 42

      thank you so much dear for your replay


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