How does it work?
First you download the files. It will take some time but you only have to do it once.
Laminate all the cards and the checksheet.
Unpack the zipfile containing the sounds. Burn the sounds on a cd and make sure the original sequence of the soundfiles is maintained. The numbers on the check sheet correspond with the numbers on the cd. Try to add a 10 second pause between each sound.
Hand out the bingocards and make sure that every child has 6 chips.
Make sure you have enough chips yourself to put on the check sheet.
Turn on the cd and put it on random or shuffle play . This way you have no influence on the game.
When a student calls out BINGO, you check this on your checksheet. If the BINGO is correct the student will collect a small prize or a sticker.
You can make the game more difficult by handing out two or more cards to one student.
It's a guaranteed hit and lots of fun, so enjoy!

Download the bingocards (32 sheets in total):
Bingocards on A4 size
Bingocards on A5 size

Download the checksheet:
checksheet soundbingo
sounds one by one:
01 baby
02 monkey
03 bell
04 car
05 cat
06 duck
7 camera
8 bee
9 hammer
10 helicopter
11 dog
12 frog
13 chicken
14 cow
15 lion
16 elephant
17 horse
18 racecar
19 rain
20 sheep
21 vacuum
22 telephone
23 train
24 airplane
25 bird
26 truck
27 fireworks
28 wind
29 saw
30 rooster
31 toilet
32 alarm clock
33 thunder
34 scissors
i hope you and your kids (students) enjoy with this game
enjoy : )
تم حذف بعض الاصوات لاحتوائها على موسيقى
