بلييز أبي خاتمة باللغة الانجليزية عن موضوع Animal Kingdom يعني فيها تتكلمون عن الحيوانات بشكل نهائي وسريع
و تكون على صفحة
أو الي مايعرف ( ابيها عربية أنا أتولى ترجمتها )
حست بالدنيا كلها مالقييت > يمدحون تعبييركم
My Favorite animal is The Camel , it's culled " the desert Ship " , because it can stay without waters many days ,it's brown, in the past it help people to travel from place to placeand it have a very sweet milk .
My favorite animal is the dog. The dog is very faithful animal,it helps people in alot of aspects .The dog helps blind people to know there ways ,it also helps police in their works not only that ,but it is also play with children and learn from them .Dogs also protects houses from strangers ,there are alot kinds of dogs some you can keep them home and some are not.
Cat is the pets. There are other good qualities such as cleanliness and accompanied by the kind of man.
What she needs ?
. Dating from humans or CATS
. Balanced diet, making sure that there is no bone in their diet -
. Clean water for drinking
. Safe place and scale to move it
. Warm place to sleep when
. Combing her hair regularly
. Cleaning teeth and Brusher Putty, and a visit to the doctor veterinary because cats often suffer from problems in dentistry
. Preventive vaccinations to protect them from dangerous diseases
. Given vaccines against insects
. Training in the use of a specific place where graduation
. Trim tentacles because they damaged furniture and carpets
I wish you a happy day
الحيوان المفضل هو الجمل ، وأعدمت انها "سفينة الصحراء" ، لأنه يمكن ان يبقى بدون مياه عدة ايام ، انها براون ، في الماضي انها تساعد الناس على السفر من مكان إلى placeand يكون له الحليب حلوة جدا.
الحيوان المفضل هو الكلب. الكلب هو الحيوان المؤمنين جدا ، لأنها تساعد الناس في الكثير من الجوانب. الكلب يساعد المكفوفين لمعرفة هناك طرق ، كما أنه يساعد الشرطة في أعمالهم ليس ذلك فحسب ، ولكنه أيضا لعب مع الأطفال ونتعلم منها. الكلاب أيضا يحمي المنازل من الغرباء ، وهناك الكثير من انواع الكلاب بعض يمكنك الاحتفاظ بها الداخل وبعضها لا.
القط الحيوانات الأليفة. هناك صفات أخرى جيدة مثل النظافة ويرافقه نوع من الرجل.
ما الذي تحتاجه؟
. تعود من البشر أو القطط
. اتباع نظام غذائي متوازن ، مع التأكد من عدم وجود عظم في غذائها --
. مياه نظيفة للشرب
. مكان امن ومقياس لنقلها
. مكان دافئ للنوم عندما
. تمشط شعرها بانتظام
. تنظيف الأسنان بالفرشاة والمعجون ، وزيارة الطبيب البيطري لأن القطط كثيرا ما تعاني من مشاكل في طب الأسنان
. التطعيمات الوقائية لحمايتها من الأمراض الخطيرة
. نظرا لقاحات ضد الحشرات
. التدريب على استخدام مكان محدد حيث تخرج
. تقليم مخالب لأنها تلف الأثاث والسجاد
أتمنى لك يوما سعيدا
There are three main groups in the kingdom of animals: herbivores animals, herbivores, which depend on plants for food, and eat the meat, which Italian predator other animals, and then the third set, which eat meat and plants. Of course, there are smaller groups within these groups.
Herbivores exist between types of animals, lawn care and herbs that grow on the surface of the Earth. Some types of invertebrates and Kalrkouhiat ((Slugs)), they live on algae and other plant material. And the types of livestock Almraovh, Kaghannm, cows and horses, animals harbor, as well as wild animals such as deer, buffalo, zebra brutal rings. There are other types eat tree leaves and twigs and soft fruits, and whole Giraffe and Elephant and goats bear ((Panda)). The different types of teeth of each type. Valaashab harsh and often Mgbrh or by sand, so it needs to chewing animals well, and so the teeth animals harbor herbs have long length of use, while the leaves and fruit together her teeth shorter.
Carnivora wasted all kinds of other animals almost This group includes several types of animals ranging from microscopic creatures small and skilled creatures such as sharks and fish eagle and the lion.
Huntress animals:
Many Italian mastered the art of fish and used for different methods to win Pferesthe These methods change with the way the prey to defend itself. Many of the Italian Huntress rely on guesswork in their search for food, they expect to find what predation somewhere, and relies on reflexes to find prey. Some waterbirds searching in the mud, in shallow water, they have some worms or other small animals. And ((Coon)) provides hands underwater search of types of fish. There are other animals, tracking the effects of strike. Quietly warned to be at a distance can pounce upon. Valktt enormous, and seize Fahd runs and the slow creeping quietly, her body hidden among the weeds become so near the prey. The falcon depends on the movement in the air until it goes into the eyes Venqd it. The ambush was the method commonly in animals Huntress, is hiding without movement until the approaching strike them. Many of the animals that followed this method to improve the camouflage agent shows. Some spiders such as a color-colored twigs hiding the pending insect ear.
Animals that feed on meat and plants:
Some species eat what could have food, meat or weed or plant. Vallafaqariat such as the thickness of the Star eat residual organic materials different installation.
In the balance of nature:
There are multiple factors in the balance of nature, all forms of life depend on water, air, minerals, which is not material, live and depend on other living things in the environment.
Food chain:
Plant hashish example is the food herbivores such as Hmaz rings. , Which in turn is the smell of food, such as lion and the connection between animals call ((food chain)).
Participation food:
There are many types involved a series of food or more. Valhacic food is different types of herbivores sponsors, each type of these herbivores prey to the type of one or more of the Italian, these links complex food chains of branded food participate.
Parasites and participation:
Animals usually live together families separately, or in bulk, such as deer herds or flocks or swallow batches fish. Sometimes there is a partnership between different animals. The reasons for this partnership are many, but they are always for Monday. For example, sea Actiniae sticks Aihanat Balsulton hermit, it is the protection of crab feed and food leftovers Actiniae sea crab (lobster). In tropical city many types of birds on the back of large animals such as buffalo, giraffes and deer. Birds erosion and help clean animals. There are other birds found within dos crocodile's mouth open, enter and eat find between the teeth of worms and the remnants of food. To meet these birds that the crocodile warning that the risk of food approached.
Alcaflih Partnership:
Sometimes be very close partnership, so no one can survive without the other partners, and this is what we call him ((Foster)). Valashenh composed of Nepttin back, Moss and parasitic diseases. Valtahlb Verde manufactured food, and parasitic breeding. Therefore often find Lichen live on the rocks, stones Jeradae cemeteries. And ruminant animals, such as cows, live animals within a very small stomachs. The task of these animals vital to cattle, causing the dissolution of cellulose, which is happening in the plant. The cow could not do so themselves, but rely on these small animals to soften the herbs combine when swallowed up. After returning Cow time runs this food, Tjatra, any Tamadgh well absorbed final. This method can be animal, especially ill, to obtain the maximum benefits from the food. There is another kind of partnership happening to the marine animal simple, Alheidra, a coral many as poetry. This allows animal species minutes of algae that live inside the tissues, latter have housing, and he believes this algae oxygen.
In other types of limited partnership interest in one of the two partners without the other, live parasites at the expense of the other partners, many of the worms live inside animals and objects feed from dos. Fleas live and sucking the blood of other animals, and some types of frogs and other living plants so dependent on the types of trees. The situation acceptable so long as the number of parasites that live on the body no more than a certain rate. If the number or entered these parasites on the body resulting from the mistake was that the host body disease or even death sometimes. Valjrathim borne mosquitoes or fleas or rodents may be fatal, but the mosquitoes or fleas do not become injured. Spend parasitic what age championship in a host body, usually without lists, concerns Bclabadtha or her mouth and eat and live-old coral. Many Aljhrat parasitic living this way.
More than an object ((host)) and one:
There may be more than one host to some parasites. The only example worm inside the human body may develop eggs, and these come out of the body, may happen that mixes one of these eggs one pig Phipptalha sent food, and turn into caterpillars grow into pork. After a slaughtered pig has become food to eat another human being and in turn is adding to the worm derived from pork. And so on! Take the course. But today few people who are suffering from worm only, and the reason for this is that there is a sanitary latrines and hygiene care exercised by the authorities to ensure the safety of meat sold in markets. Dodd and liver Amadivan him well: it Estdv sheep liver places where eggs. The more eggs out of the body of sheep turn into caterpillars ducks enter free of any object. There is going through several phases of transformation before leaving Slug and climb on the way herb and have the same thick cover. Remains that apparently have another eating lamb Herb goes back and the intervention of liver! The ideal way to the extermination of this worm is Albzaqat extermination, as well as the prevention of sheep grazing in the pastures wet.
Cuckoo bird:
Birds such act in a parasitic, Vanci Cuckoos Nest when searching for another bird eggs. In the absence of female owners landing in the nest and lay eggs eggs one by the eggs in the nest. Over time becomes the property of the whole nest Cuckoo chicks, because it has given the rest of roll-on/roll-off eggs from the nest, even if they have young Vkst. Although the Cuckoo chicks larger than ((parents)) education, but they Iozban to feed there Khalifthma real.
Every father of Oukoak choose the same type of nests of Whitth, for example Nest periodic or ((Abu henna)) or ((singer)) and Aladhish, the Cuckoo Egg tend to be similar color and markings for other nest eggs.
Hawass animals evolved to suit the living methods. Sometimes affect the way animals living in a special sensory impact of this evolving Sense at the expense of other senses.
Consideration is one of the most important senses in animals. There are many types of eye, from Walt Ittatr cells filled the eyes of some invertebrates to vertebrates minute jurisdiction. Simple story made only to characterize the degree of light and changes in it, while evolving eyes can distinguish three-dimensional forms, and sometimes colors. And consider helping animals to see the source of nutrition as well as avoid enemies.
Ein Chordata accurate tool installation is complex, with a transparent window invite cornea. The light passes through the lens to where the quantity seized light allowed him access to the eye by the stained section and named Alhdgah Alhdgah focus light on the sensitive cells in the back of the eye, which we call the eye network.
Hearing with the same sense of importance for the majority of animals. They not only help them to realize that something approaching them, but also to estimate the velocity, and perhaps also its size.
The hearing is an authorization, a skin attached on the side of the head, the majority of the animals have ears, one on each hand, and this helps to distinguish which took place in the sound, and folds (external ear) reached votes are up vibrations in the air and water, where shock Behind the drum authorization Kettledrum gap middle ear, which sends vibrations through the ranks of small bones to authorize the Interior. It is the internal membrane permission to send vibrations gap to the section labeled Spiral ((enclosure)), where she holds nerve cells connect signals to the brain. Often the blind more sense the difference in the votes of people with the proper consideration. Vabrian often using echo after them to learn about something.
Touch and taste and smell:
Almost all animals feel touch, and some primitive creatures, such as Alambia, only that the devil. The majority of animals developed the reactions vary understanding of this touching. The Hacta taste and smell completely Times, and the taste cell taste on the tongue is very limited, but what it is assisted by sniffer. The animals can smell to identify the ******** and surroundings, as well as identify their collections.
مملكة الحيوانات , إذا تمعنت فيها , سوف ترى فيها الكثير من الغرائب والعجائب , فالقوي دائما يتخذ الضعيف فريسة له , والضعيف مصيره دائما الموت على يد احدى المفترسين .
وايضا سوف ترى روح التعاون فيها , فكل مجموعة تحمي بعضها البعض - كالذئاب مثلا - وتصطاد مع بعض , وسوف ترى الام كيف انها تحمي ابناءها من الخطر , حتى لو ضحت بنفسها ليعيش ابناءها.
إذا نظرنا قليلا سوف نتعلم من هذه المملكة الكثير من الاشياء التي سوف نستفيدها في حياتنا.
يالله عصرت مخي عسب اطلعلج ه الخاتمة ,
سوري مب بالانجلشش , لان الحين بظهر وما عندي وقت , اتمنى تعيبج .,