Hard Moment

  • الوقت
  • عرض
إلغاء تحديد الكل
مشاركات جديدة
  • Story love
    • May 2010
    • 46

    Hard Moment

    Hard Moment !!k

    When they go a way & leave you alone, cause of their own life, their own friends…That maybe you are not one of them, but you did not know !! k

    Hard moment

    When they leave & quit from your life without telling you…without making any sounds, just like a professional thief !h

    Hard Moment

    When they consider you as a vase
    on an old s h e l f !! In that moment you feel sorry for your poor self !d

    And wish that you

    Never and ever remember them
    ...Never & ever hear their voic
    ...Never & ever hug their letter
    ...Never & ever smell their kindness

    because no matter what you do They will never come back to you!j

    Be patient & remember this:l

    Every time you feel pain & sad it & look to your life as a nightmare& your soul is about to run away from your body, it means

    that you are getting closer
    to the solution of your problem.k

    Because when it is complicated more & more
    !Suddenly it disappear

    That happens when you believe that Allah is great & he can give you every good thing & protect you from every bad thing, because one of his names is Allatif (The Subtle One!) Just

    be sure and thank our great God every second
  • ◄زيتية العينين►
    V - I - P
    • Oct 2009
    • 2488

    رد: Hard Moment

    very nice topic


    • Cute Nada
      عضو ماسي
      • Jul 2010
      • 1383
      • كل
        انسان سيكون يوما ما ..
        مجرد ذكرى
        امنيتي : ان اكون ذكرى " بيضاء "
        في قلوبكم

      رد: Hard Moment

      Thankyou very much for this nice topic..
      It has a lot of meanings..
      and ofcourse we have to thank god every day , well i mean ever second because god gave us a safe and a happy life.. Alhamdallah


      • Off The Grid
        كُلُّهُم رَحَلـوا ...
        • Dec 2004
        • 4012

        رد: Hard Moment

        .. Thank you Story Love ( or Love Story , which is more correct ) for this beautiful passage
        It already reminds us that holding on to Allah during difficult times , is our only way out

        Pardon me for intruding , but I think it's my duty to let you know about the couple of mistakes you've made here

        I think it's best to show you the corrected forms as a whole..
        : This is how this beautiful passage should've been written

        .. It's hard

        every time they go away and leave you behind ( alone ) because
        you didn't realize that you're not part of their lives
        nor one of their friends

        .. It's hard

        When they slip away without saying goodbye .

        .. it's hard

        When you're like a vase , to them ; a vase on an old shelf .
        Thus , you feel sorry for yourself and you start hoping that you'll never
        remember their faces , hear their voices , hold their letters ,nor get fooled
        by their kindness

        After all , no matter what you do , they'll never come back to you

        .. Just be patient and remember that every time you're sad and in pain
        That whenever you start feeling that your life is a nightmare and your soul
        is about to leave your body , it means that it's going to get better

        That's what happens at crucial moments ; because Allah will always
        be there for you , support you , help you . No wonder that " Allatif
        is one of His holy names

        . Still , I appreciate your effort . You have to keep it up

        التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة Off The Grid; 27-09-2013, 02:24 PM.


        • Dreamy Spirit
          V - I - P
          • Oct 2008
          • 3677

          رد: Hard Moment

          yea ... it is hard
          sooo hard
          but we can't do anything expect pray that Allah forgives them and make me forget them forever cuz we can't bring them back !!
          just to remember them broke my heart : "


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