Mall Rats

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  • ςάηđч
    V - I - P
    • Dec 2008
    • 3536

    Mall Rats

    Hi everybody

    Did you hear before about this idiom

    ?? (Mall rat )

    In english language we call the person who l o v e to go always to somewhere
    ( RAT )
    في اللغة الإنجليزية من يتردد على مكان ما باستمرار نسميه جرذ

    that means we call the person who l o ve to go always to malls
    even he is not go for shopping
    (Mall rat)

    واللي يحب السوق بكثرة وكل يوم وهو ناط على المحلات بالذات إذا ما كان يبغى يشتري شي ...
    يسمى بالإنجليزي الأمريكية العامية mall rat

    rat: (informal) a person who spends a great deal of time at, in,
    or on a(specified) place: a gym rat, a mall rat

    mall rat: a young person who goes to shopping malls a lot
    in order to be with their friends, not to buy things

    (from Wise Geek)

    What is a Mall Rat??

    A mall rat is generally an adolescent who spends much of his or her spare time congregating with friends at a local shopping mall. Sometimes a mall rat is actually employed at one of the mall's stores or restaurants, but it can be in the mall rat's best interest to remain unaffiliated with any of the mall's tenants. It would not be unusual for most store employees and managers to be very familiar with a regular crowd of mall rats.

    Besides congregating in the public areas of a shopping mall, mall rats may also travel from store to store in small packs. Mall security officers tend to watch these packs very closely, since incidents of vandalism or shoplifting are often observed by store owners. A seasoned mall rat may also harass other customers verbally or make life difficult for shoppers in general.

    A mall rat generally knows the inner workings of a shopping mall better than most casual visitors. By networking with mall employees and running their own reconnaissance missions, mall rats often learn of new store openings or other developments weeks in advance. The relationship between mall employees and mall rats can be one of mutual respect as long as the basic rules of engagement are strictly observed.

    :) thank God i'm not a mall rat
    s: i hate malls

    but i'm a mouse potato because
    it is impossible that I leave my computer


    is here any one called the Mall rat ???

    some of them copied
    but some by me
    التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة ςάηđч; 22-09-2010, 02:08 AM.
  • בםב
    عضو فضي
    • Apr 2010
    • 638

    رد: Mall Rats


    .you can call me a Kudu Rat because I like their breakfast steak and eggs 

    by the way it's soooooo delicious and do not forget to scramble the eggs



    • ςάηđч
      V - I - P
      • Dec 2008
      • 3536

      رد: Mall Rats

      ok Kudu rat

      but.... steak with eggs

      it is a horrible thing

      thanx for pass kudu rat :)

      and i hope you enjoy with your breakfast


      • Off The Grid
        كُلُّهُم رَحَلـوا ...
        • Dec 2004
        • 4011

        رد: Mall Rats

        !Life seems hard with mall rats roaming around
        I'm sure being jobless and useless is an ultimate reason for their very existence


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