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إلغاء تحديد الكل
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  • ςάηđч
    V - I - P
    • Dec 2008
    • 3536



    Have you ever said words you do not agree with just to please others ? Have you worn ugly and uncomfortable clothes just because they were in style ? Have you ever hated a person just because your friends hated him ? If you answer YES to any of the following questions than you are not being yourself . Read on to discover the uniqueness an individual .

    Today society tries to change individuals without them knowing . A person will do certain things that they do not enjoy doing just to fit in . For example , FEMALES wear high heels which are very uncomfortable and cause lots of pain but FEMALES still wear them because they are Good-Looking and feminine . This is wrong and this is a great example of not being yourself . Each and every person on Earth is unique ! This uniqueness will disappear if you just do what other poeple are doing . Do what you want to do . You live once so have FUN ! Be yourself all the time .

    The first step to being yourself is accepting the way you are . Nobody is perfect including you ! So stop trying to change yourself on the inside or the outside . Forget the rude remarks people have made and remember the good comments .

    The second step is understanding that some people will not accept you for who you are and will try to change you the way society changed them . Ignore the remarks made up these people . Be yourself and make sure that the people around you are being their self

    The last step and the most exciting one is doing what you enjoy . If you think orange matches with light green than wear orange with laight greaan and ignore what anyone else says because these people are jealous of you and are incapable of being their self . It is a great thing to be you . But it is hard very hard especially in our generation . You also must believe in yourself .

    " To be nobody-but-yourself - in a world which is doing its best night and day to make you everybody else - means to fight the hardest battle any human being can fight; and never stop faighting . " This qoute by E.E. Coummings is a great qoute that explains how important and difficult it is to be yourself but how rewarding it is . " You've got to be original , because if you're like someone else ' what do they need you for ? " Baranadette Peters said this and this explains the importance of being you . So be happy , be safe , and be YOURSELF ! :

  • تهويذة المطر
    عـضـو فعال
    • Mar 2010
    • 195


    Have you ever said words you do not agree with just to please others ?

    yes i do a lot
    but i know that i should be my self
    my true self is biger than all peoples's thaughts

    thanks its great


    • בםב
      عضو فضي
      • Apr 2010
      • 638

      رد: BE YOURSELF

      .WOW , touching stuff indeed

      People simply need to take off the masks they were so they can

      live as them selves . It is a painful process because the mask also holds

      the style of any human behavior , so you need to sit with your self and

      determine whether to live a phony life by wearing the mask

      .or simply be your self

      Thanx , you are the best

      unfortunately I could not evaluate you because I need to evaluate others first

      التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة בםב; 26-08-2010, 04:50 AM.


      • ςάηđч
        V - I - P
        • Dec 2008
        • 3536

        رد: BE YOURSELF

        we shoud try to be like that
        thanx sweety for reply


        you are right
        thanx for a nice comment
        evaluation is not matter ,,
        your presence enough

        so,, consider that the evaluation arrived


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