عفوا همسه ... تعلموا لغة قوم تأمنوا غدرهم... صدق رسول الله عليه
الصلاة والسلام. المسألة ليست حب أو كره.. ممكن هناك صعوبة لدى البعض
وهذا هو الهدف من وضع قسم خاص في هذا المنتدى لتبسيط اللغة قدر المستطاع
للأعضاء و إن كنت في أمس الحاجة لشرح كلمة او معنى عبارة بالإنجليزي فنحن هنا
تحت أمرك.. لكن أرجو منك عدم ذكر عبارات أو احساس داخلي ليس له علاقة لا
من قريب ولا بعيد بهذا الموضوع ... ودمت بود .
& i feel like i wanna talk with myself,
i came here only to talk, sometimes we need to talk in another languague ,, & dont ask why,
that's what i feel now
wanna cry and don't know why
i prayed a lot for athing and when it came i felt that i can't do it
and also dont ask why
am in love morehan anybody can imagine and at the same tine ifeel that I hate the whole situation
and dont ask why :/
i love helping people but this days i dont want to help myself even
and dont ask why
it is like awar
and dont know when willl it End
and i came again to talk
i refused a lot to talk even with people that i dont know
but really we need that ,, so ill came here to talk :/ trying to found answer
or at least to feeel better
so.... ,,,
sometimes i ask myself why r we here ,, :/
not refusing my position or my place at this life,,
but i hate my feeling that i don't like being at this life
really feel that am weird when am talking with someone and
feeling their ability to live and like being here
i feel the abnormalitiy in my thinking that i cant tasting even my food
not missing any food anybody anything and dont missing myself also
and feeling the big weird girl when i dont like even shopping
Thanx for making this space
will be back ISA
if am still alife