من خواطري : A Journey to Past

  • الوقت
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إلغاء تحديد الكل
مشاركات جديدة
  • בםב
    عضو فضي
    • Apr 2010
    • 638

    من خواطري : A Journey to Past

    one day I woke up heavily and I barely can open my eyes
    and I found myself living in a dark cell with awkward eyes looking toward me in an a n g r y glimpses
    as if they are admonishes me for what I have done in the past where I mis coordinate my priorities
    and my self. I was like a machine, work without heart and emotions only to achieve some ends that every one like to without assessing the ways I use to reach it.
    I was scared at that moment , I felt coward without any intention to face the past and it's troubles which
    has conquested my heart and started to be a major part of my dim character that cannot even understand
    the simple things. I tryed to push my strength hard to come close enough to these eyes and look
    ,inside them so I can observe the secrets inside it , I asked my self, what is the thing behind these looks
    how can I understand it and why it has such anger and envey !!

    when I get closer and closer I found it browsing my past with anger, it started to show the past scenes very fast, I could'nt focus , I felt a terrible headache then I knew that it was trying to take vengeance. suddently
    waves started crushing , every thing surrounding me started to be wild , I could'nt find shelter so I just
    simply stood up motionless. the eyes are changed now , the grim looks vanished and it started showing
    my past in calm. the looks now become softer and the sharpness converted to melancholy, they started shedding tears with every scene , the eyes started moaning and wanted to hug me but what is the use
    I felt gloomy , regretion and c r y i n g started to tear up my soul at this moment, I suffocated my self and
    started punishing my ego as a Middle Ages jailer who punishes people to provide his
    family with food.the darkness of my heart started to wear off with every blame and tear and during these horrible actions I fell down and took a deep sleep. when I woke up in the morning , the sun light was over the place , the eyes were disappeared and I felt as if I was born again. regretion took it's way through
    my heart and I finally found the key to redemption.

    I keep asking my self , how many people should suffer through what happened to me

    are they going to find the key earlier or they should first suffer like me

  • تك تك
    عضو فضي
    • Mar 2009
    • 611


    رائعه وحروف جالت بي للتفكير

    في المشاعر

    المحرقه في ذروة ندم الروح

    على مافات

    صدقا حروف رائعه


    دعوه أعتز بها




    • ςάηđч
      V - I - P
      • Dec 2008
      • 3536

      I was like a machine, work without heart and emotions only to achieve some ends that every one like to without assessing the ways I use to reach it

      these words made me pause for a while
      i think this is the evidence for the white heart

      I keep asking my self , how many people should suffer through what happened to me

      are they going to find the key earlier or they should first suffer like me
      :/ only the lucky

      ( : sizzle
      whatever our past ,, we should look at our present and future,, and you ^^ are lucky because you find the key

      ^_^ nice words ,,and wonderful thought from a gentle teacher

      thanx a lot Mr.Hamad

      evaluated +
      التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة ςάηđч; 23-07-2011, 03:09 AM.


      • ~الملكة نورة~
        عضو متألق
        • Jul 2010
        • 322

        واو مشالله عليك اخوي حمد ابدعت

        مره نايس ربي يعطيك الف عافيه واصل ابداعاتك

        ولا تحرمنا الجديد من القلم الرائع

        اختك:الملكة نورة


        • مزوون
          V - I - P
          • May 2010
          • 1743
          • [ الإستغفار ] لا يصنع " الأمل " فقط
            . . . بـل يرممـ احلآمنــا . . .
            آستغفر آلله آلعظيمـ و أتوب إليهـ

          رد: من خواطري : A Journey to Past

          يسلمو حمد

          ماشاء الله عليك دمت ودام ابداعك

          دائما مميز

          وخاطره قمه في الروعه

          ماقصرت لزوزه طلعت منك خاطره وطلعت مني تصميم

          ننتظر جديدك بشوق


          • تهويذة المطر
            عـضـو فعال
            • Mar 2010
            • 195

            رد: من خواطري : A Journey to Past

            المشاركة الأصلية بواسطة حםح

            I keep asking my self , how many people should suffer through what happened to me

            are they going to find the key earlier or they should first suffer like me

            this is life bro
            it mean all of us should suffer
            cause suffering is a part of life we can't separate it
            your words are really amazing


            • בםב
              عضو فضي
              • Apr 2010
              • 638

              رد: من خواطري : A Journey to Past

              شكار لكم ومقدر هذا المرور العطر

              وان شاء الله القادم أحلى .


              • شروق العتمات
                عضو ذهبي
                • Sep 2010
                • 776
                • « لا إله إلا الله العظيم الحليم ، لا إله إلا الله رب العرش العظيم ، لا إله إلا الله رب السموات ، ورب الأرض ، ورب العرش الكريم »

                  اللهم رحمتك أرجو فلا تكلني إلى نفسي طرفة عين وأصلح لي شأني كله لاإله إلا أنت الله ، الله ربي لاأشرك به شيئا

                  " لاإله إلا أنت سبحانك إني كنت من الظالمين"

                رد: من خواطري : A Journey to Past

                فعلا حلوه جدا
                I like it :)
                yes we should get the key without suffering
                How???? if you know how,,,so tell me .

                Keep it up


                • دلعي معذبهم ♡
                  V - I - P
                  • Sep 2009
                  • 4320

                  • انستقرام /

                  رد: من خواطري : A Journey to Past

                  one day I woke up heavily and I barely can open my eyes
                  and I found myself living in a dark cell with awkward eyes looking toward me in an a n g r y glimpses
                  as if they are admonishes me for what I have done in the past where I mis coordinate my priorities
                  and my self. I was like a machine, work without heart and emotions only to achieve some ends that every one like to without assessing the ways I use to reach it.

                  Gives you a brotherly Wellness Hamad

                  Frankly liked Halaabiyat and these are _khasosn) =

                  To re-new works from,

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