براقراف عن مستقبلك الوظيفي بعد عشر سنوات

  • الوقت
  • عرض
إلغاء تحديد الكل
مشاركات جديدة
  • الملكه عبير
    عـضـو فعال
    • Feb 2008
    • 50

    براقراف عن مستقبلك الوظيفي بعد عشر سنوات

    السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
    اخواني واخواتي
    بنوته كويتيه تناشدكم للمساعدة

    بليييييز ابيكم تكتبون لي براقراف عن
    اين ارى نفسي بعد 10 سنين من ناحية الوظيفه

    يعني تكتبون اني انا الحين تخصصي ادب انجليزي
    وبصير مترجمه
    وعاد انتوا اكتبوا اني راح اشوف نفسي مترجمه جيدة لانني
    احب هذا التخصص منذ الصغر
    وهكذا وابي ابداعاتكم

    وبلييييييز انا ابيه باجر ضروووووووووووري
  • مزوون
    V - I - P
    • May 2010
    • 1743
    • [ الإستغفار ] لا يصنع " الأمل " فقط
      . . . بـل يرممـ احلآمنــا . . .
      آستغفر آلله آلعظيمـ و أتوب إليهـ

    هلا اختي حبيت اساعدك ولو انو الثقافه مو ذاك الزود

    واكيد فيه اخطاء بس هذا اللي قدرت عليه

    I told a girl the age of 19 years I want to go to university and I love the English language

    And will become a translator in the future

    I love this specialty since childhood

    I see myself a good

    And I hope to God that facilitates my task for me

    Avail and society


    • الملكه عبير
      عـضـو فعال
      • Feb 2008
      • 50

      يسلمو حبيبتي بس هم يبون براقراف كامل
      يعني تقريبا 100 كلمة ومافوق


      • الملكه عبير
        عـضـو فعال
        • Feb 2008
        • 50

        انا ابيكم تكتبون لي براقراف عن اين ارى نفسي بعد عشر سنوات
        يعني ابيكم تكتبون راح اشوف نفسي مترجمه بالمستقبل
        وعاد انتوا زيدووو كلام
        بليييييييز محتاجته ضروري


        • الملكه عبير
          عـضـو فعال
          • Feb 2008
          • 50

          هذا السؤال بالضبط
          Write an extended paragraph of approximately (350 words) on the following topic:

          "Where do you see yourself, career wise, 10 years from now?"


          • Story love
            • May 2010
            • 46

            هذا الموضوع الاولي

            Im sure we all ask ourselves this question: where do I see myself in 10 years? I always had this vision of where I was going to be at this point of my life. And quite frankly, Im not at that point. Though, the reason why Im asking myself this is the fact that I question if this online entrepreneurship is something I will be able to do for most of my life or is it just another job that may not last forever?

            If you think about it, nothing is guaranteed when it comes to any job or life in general. I mean, who wouldve thought within the past few months hundreds of thousands of people would get laid off and all these businesses going right down the drain.

            See, its just the same when youre working for yourself online. One month you could make thousands and the next month it can all go away with just a snap of the fingers. No matter how much you make consistently each month, that following month is never guaranteed.

            So, Where do I see myself in 10 years?

            For me, each year changes especially the fact that Im a go-with-the-flow type of person. But if I had a vision, itd be something like…

            10 years from now I hope will be out of my day job, I have paid all my student loans back and Im working and enjoying what I do online. Of course, the reasons we all want to work for ourselves is the luxury of being your own boss, the flexibility with your own schedule, etc. I want to be able to travel with just my laptop and still be able to make money anywhere I go.

            Who doesnt want to just relax in Hawaii on a beach with your laptop and a mojito?

            See, I have all these thoughts and dreams on where I see myself every few years and although it may not happen exactly how I want, Im still working on it. I make a list and every time I accomplish a goal, I cross it off and add a new one.

            I do that because I dont want to settle for less, but more importantly, I dont want to forget some of my goals.

            Again, some goals change but the general theme tends to stay the same. I may not see myself making millions but if Im at a job that I can enjoy and appreciate then thats a stepping stone. I may not see myself married but if Im with a special person then youll continue to see a cheesy smile on my face. I may… well, you get the point, right?

            If you havent though about where you see yourself in 10 years, you should at least think about it, talk to a friend, do whatever. Because when it comes down to it, you have to think do the future at some point.

            I mean, do you plan on making money online for the rest of your life?

            If so, let me know![/SIZE]
            التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة Story love; 08-07-2010, 12:04 AM. سبب آخر: نن


            • Story love
              • May 2010
              • 46

              الموضوع الثاني

              In the last weeks I'm very much struggling with homesickness and a deep feeling of an absolute neccessary change in my way of life. I'm getting more and more tired of the big city I onced love and enjoyed, and I am longing for my home - or some similar place.

              In the course of this confusion I thought about where I see myself in some years - when everything works out well for me. And then I became interested what all of you think about your future. So please join my little thread and tell me how your ideal life would be... (this has nothing political in it, just thinking about family, business, freedom, property, home etc.)


              If everything will work out well for me, I see myself in about three to six years on a very small farm somewhere up in the North, probably Norway or Sweden. Perhaps it's just a house with a small stable and some feedlots. But a bit isolated. I want to live there with the one I love and own at least two or three Icelandic horses. I want to go on working in the job I now have (which isn't a problem, because I just need the internet for connection, I'm a freelancer) and secondary restart my job as Icelandic horse trainer. At that time I want to have at least one child, better two children, a third one a little later.

              Well, that's what I'm dreaming of. It sounds quite strange, I admit, and my friends still wonder how it should work: to leave everything behind and start a new life in a foreign country. I always tell them: that's exactly what I'm doing already, I'm here in a foreign country, left everything behind and made a "restart" - and everything turned out well. So why don't try it another time?

              I've got a friend whose dream, almost the same as mine, already came true. She now lives together with her Icelandic partner in Iceland, owns a little stud, Eiriksstaðir near Egilsstadir, and is as happy as one can be. I talked with her about my plans and she almost the only one who does not say I'm totally crazy. This helps me a lot and reassures me.

              But to cut a long story short: You see, you can also write down your weirdest plans. At least I won't laugh.. eyes:

              اذ ماعجبك اي موضوع مستعد اعطيك موضوع ثاني وشكرا لكي


              • الملكه عبير
                عـضـو فعال
                • Feb 2008
                • 50

                لالالالالالا ممكن غييييييييييييييره


                • الملكه عبير
                  عـضـو فعال
                  • Feb 2008
                  • 50

                  ومشكور ازعجتك معاي


                  • Story love
                    • May 2010
                    • 46

                    المشاركة الأصلية بواسطة الملكه عبير
                    ومشكور ازعجتك معاي
                    اسف امس نزلت الموضوعين وطلعت بسبب عندي محاظرة في الجامعة لا تقولي يوم الخميس بس انا ادرس

                    خارج السعودية اسف ولا دخلت الا اليوم ويعني الي فهمته انه تسلميه اليوم يعني راح علي وشكرا لكي


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