No, PAIN!!!!

  • الوقت
  • عرض
إلغاء تحديد الكل
مشاركات جديدة
  • ◄زيتية العينين►
    V - I - P
    • Oct 2009
    • 2488

    No, PAIN!!!!

    you see no mark upon my skin
    you see no tear in my eye
    you see no sign of pain
    therefor I must not be in pain

    I must not cry myself
    to sleep at night
    or wake up screaming
    because of haunted dreams
    I must not pull the blade
    across my skin
    and hope that one day
    it drives in deeper
    I must not fear the darkness
    or shudder at the thought of silence
    I must not hide myself from
    life and prying eyes that
    judge your worth as a person
    upon the shine of your smile

    you hear no gasp escape my mouth
    you hear no horror tale from my past
    you hear no words of pain
    therefor I must not be in pain

    I must not scream so loud it's silent
    or throw things against my
    bedroom walls
    I must not kick and scream
    and punch things that no one else can see
    I must not drown myself
    in the brown bagged bottle
    in the hopes that i will forget
    or tie the rope around my neck
    and pray i find the courage to
    pull it tighter

    you don't see or hear my pain
    therefor you think i feel no pain
    you see what I choose for you to see
    you hear what I choose for you to hear
    you know not what he did to me
    you know not what she did to me
    you know not what you did to me
    you know not the pain I feel
    you know only what I want you to know
    but just because you do not see or hear it
    does not mean that the pain is not there
    locked away inside of me, where it will always be
  • иσ ρяôмîsεs «
    عضو متألق
    • Sep 2008
    • 468

    • *

      إستغفر الله وأتـوب إليهـ ..


    so nice baby
    thanx a lot
    and keep ur good work
    u really amazing

    ur sis


    • ღرفيف الروحღ
      عضو ماسي
      • Nov 2008
      • 1443

      u r always amazing with ur topics..thanx sis
      keep it up


      • ◄زيتية العينين►
        V - I - P
        • Oct 2009
        • 2488

        المشاركة الأصلية بواسطة à
        so nice baby
        thanx a lot
        and keep ur good work
        u really amazing

        ur sis


        • ◄زيتية العينين►
          V - I - P
          • Oct 2009
          • 2488

          المشاركة الأصلية بواسطة رفيف الروح
          u r always amazing with ur topics..thanx sis
          keep it up


          • جنون العاطفــــــه
            • Dec 2012
            • 10

            رد: No, PAIN!!!!

            روعه ومميزه يالغلا


            • ظناني الشوق
              عـضـو فعال
              • Jul 2010
              • 154

              رد: No, PAIN!!!!

              it is sooooooooooooo
              THANK YOU!!!


              • Off The Grid
                كُلُّهُم رَحَلـوا ...
                • Dec 2004
                • 4012

                رد: No, PAIN!!!!

                When people think that you're happy , just as soon as you show them your smile , would never believe in the possibility that you might be in pain

                Sometimes , i think that even tears are no longer good enough to be persuasive :)

                You really have a good taste , sis
                I appreciate sharing this amazing poem with us


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