pomes for kids

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  • ◄زيتية العينين►
    V - I - P
    • Oct 2009
    • 2488

    pomes for kids

    The Chickens

    Said the first little chicken,
    With a strange little squirm,
    "I wish I could find
    A fat little worm."

    Said the next little chicken,
    With an odd little shrug:
    "I wish I could find
    A fat little bug."

    Said a third little chicken,
    With a small sigh of grief,
    "I wish I could find
    A green little leaf!"

    Said the fourth little chicken,
    With a faint little moan,
    "I wish I could find
    A wee gravel stone."

    "Now, see here!" said the mother,
    From the green garden patch,
    "If you want any breakfast,
    Just come here and scratch!"

    How does a chick,
    Who's not been about,
    Discover the trick
    Of how to get out?

    What Can a Hen Do?

    A hen can lay a big brown egg.
    A hen can stand on just one leg.
    A hen can run.
    A hen can walk.
    A hen can say "Bawk, bawk, bawk".
    But do you know what a hen can't do?
    A hen can't ______________ like you.


    There Was An Owl

    There was an owl
    who lived in an oak.
    The more he heard,
    the less he spoke;
    the less he spoke,
    the more he heard-
    We all should be
    like that wise old bird.

    The Owl

    There's a wide-eyed owl
    (forefingers and thumbs around eyes)
    With a pointed nose,
    (forefinger and thumb to make a point)
    He has pointed ears
    (clenched hands, forefingers up for ears)
    And claws for toes:
    (make hands into claws)
    He sits in a tree
    And looks at you;
    (circles around eyes again)
    Then flaps his wings and says,
    (hands to chest and flap elbows)
    "Tu-whit, tu-whoo!"
    (hands cup mouth to hoot)

    Mr. Owl

    Late at night when you're in bed,
    Mr. Owl perks up his head.
    He looks left and he looks right,
    In the dark all through the night.
    Hear him hoot when you're in bed,
    When Mr. Owl perks up his head.

    The Owl in the Tree

    I saw an owl.
    He sat in a tree.
    He opened one eye.
    He winked at me.

    Over in the Meadow

    Over in the meadow,
    In a hole in a tree,
    Lived an old mother owl,
    And her little owls three.
    "Tu-whoo," said the mother,
    "Tu-whoo," said the three,
    So they tu-whoo-ed all day,
    In a whole in a tree.

    Mr. Owl

    Said Mr. Owl, sitting in a tree,
    "How would you like
    To be like me?
    I sleep all day
    In the bright sunlight,
    And look for my dinner
    In the middle of the night!"

    Ten Hungry Owlets

    Ten hungry owlets sat in a tree.
    The first one said, "Where's our mommy?
    The second one said, "I want to eat."
    The third one said, "I'd like some meat."
    The fourth one said, "I need something for my tummy."
    The fifth one said, "I hope it's something yummy."
    The sixth one said, "Where, oh, where can our mom be?"
    The seventh one said, "She's on a hunting spree."
    The eighth one said, "I wish we could fly."
    The ninth one said, "Let's give it a try."
    The tenth one said, "Fly! Fly! We can fly!"

    Mother Owl came back and said,
    "You all need some rest."
    Ten tired owlets flew back to their nest.

    Five Little Owls

    5 little owls,
    On a branch by the shore,
    1 fell off,
    Then there were 4.

    4 little owls,
    High in a tree,
    The wind blew hard,
    Then there were 3.

    3 little owls,
    None of them knew,
    A raven took one,
    Then there were 2.

    2 little owls,
    Sitting in the sun,
    A raccoon came along,
    Then there was 1.

    1 little owl,
    In the setting sun,
    Flew off to the forest,
    Then there were none


    It's an insect not a spider
    it has 6 legs instead of 8
    3 on this side 3 on that side
    and it's crawling on your plate.

    1 ant, 2 ants , 3 ants 4
    our picnic is their grocery store
    5 ants 6 ants 7 ants 8
    they are crawling on my plate
    8 ants 7 ants
    stomp around
    6 ants 5 ants
    on the grounds
    4 ants 3 ants
    on the run
    2 ants 1 ant
    no more fun.

    Polar Bear

    The polar bear lives in Alaska,
    He never gets cold in a storm,
    He swims in cold icy water,
    His heavy coat keeps him warm.
    Warm, warm, warm, warm,
    His heavy coat keeps him warm.
    Warm, warm, warm, warm,
    His heavy coat keeps him warm.

    The Black Bear

    In the summer, fall, and spring
    the black bear sports and has his fling,
    but winter sends him straight indoors and there he
    snores... and snores... and snores.

    Grizzly Bear, Grizzly Bear

    Grizzly Bear, Grizzly Bear,
    Where have you been?
    Over the mountains -
    Such things I've seen!

    Grizzly Bear, Grizzly Bear,
    What have you done?
    Eaten blueberries
    Made ripe by the sun.

    Grizzly Bear, Grizzly Bear,
    What have you found?
    Ice-cold spring water
    Deep from the ground.

    Grizzly Bear, Grizzly Bear,
    What do you dream?
    Sweet tasting salmon
    Swimming upstream.

    Grizzly Bear, Grizzly Bear,
    Where do you creep?
    Into my dark cave
    Alone, let me sleep!

    Five Little Bears

    One little bear
    Wondering what to do
    Along came another
    Then there were two!

    Two little bears
    Climbing up a tree
    Along came another
    Then there were three!

    Three little bears
    Ate an apple core
    Along came another
    Then there were four!

    Four little honey bears
    Found honey in a hive
    Along came another
    Then there were five!

    Bean, Butter and more

    Beans, Beans, Beans

    Baked beans,
    Butter beans,
    Big fat lima beans,
    Long thin string beans-
    Those are just a few.

    Green beans,
    Black beans,
    Big fat kidney beans,
    Red hot chili beans,
    Jumping beans too.

    Pea beans,
    Pinto beans,
    Don't forget shelly beans.

    Last of all,
    Best of all,
    I like jelly beans!


    I do not like the way you slide,
    I do not like your soft inside,
    I do not like you many ways,
    And I could do for many days,
    Without a soft-boiled egg.

    One potato, two potato,
    Three potato, four;
    I like mashed potato,
    May I please have some more?

    Mashed Potatoes

    Mashed potatoes, mashed potatoes,
    Piled up high,
    Mashed potatoes, mashed potatoes,
    Up to the sky.

    Mashed potato clouds,
    Mashed potato moon,
    Scoop it all up with a giant spoon!

    One, One Cinnamon Bun

    One, one
    Cinnamon bun

    Two, two
    Chicken stew

    Three, three
    Cakes and tea

    Five, five
    Honey in a hive

    Seven, seven
    Straight from heaven

    Eight, eight
    Clean our plate

    Nine, nine
    Look at mine

    Ten, ten
    Start over again!


    Peel an apple,
    cut it up,
    cook it in a pot.
    When you taste it
    you will find
    it's applesauce you've got.

    Anna Banana

    Anna Banana, jump into the stew:
    Gravy and carrots are good for you.
    Good for your teeth,
    And your fingernails too,
    So Anna Banana, jump into the stew!


    Heaped in a mound;
    Winds, winds around.

    Slips, dips, and trips;
    Slithers and drips;

    Slurps, sloops, and droops;
    Comes in groups;

    Twists, turns, and bends;
    Never ever ends!

    Oodles of Noodles

    I love noodles. Give me oodles.
    Make a mound up to the sun.
    Noodles are my favorite foodles.
    I eat noodles by the ton.

    Cooking Stone Soup

    We're cooking stone soup,
    We're cooking stone soup,
    Stir the pot,
    It's getting hot,
    We're cooking stone soup.

    First, we add potatoes,
    First, we add the potatoes,
    Stir the pot,
    It's getting hot,
    We're cooking stone soup.

    (continue with the rest of the ingredients,
    ie: carrots, water, onions, etc.)
  • ** عبورة عتيبه **
    عضو متألق
    • Aug 2008
    • 326
    • سبحآن الله وبحمده .. سبحآن الله العظيم

    Thank u ,,
    nice poems ,,


    • ◄زيتية العينين►
      V - I - P
      • Oct 2009
      • 2488

      المشاركة الأصلية بواسطة ** عبورة عتيبه **
      Thank u ,,
      nice poems ,,
      you are welcome


      • иσ ρяôмîsεs «
        عضو متألق
        • Sep 2008
        • 468

        • *

          إستغفر الله وأتـوب إليهـ ..


        beautiful poems

        thank you very much sweety

        and keep the good work
        u r sis


        • ◄زيتية العينين►
          V - I - P
          • Oct 2009
          • 2488

          you are welcome my closer sister


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