اجمل الصور السياحية حول العالم



La Digue — Seychelles

Machu Picchu — Peru


Sri Lanka

V ictoria Falls


Iguassu Falls

The Nemsa


Tourism has become a popular global leisure activity. In 2007, there were over 903 million international tourist arrivals, with a growth of 6.6% as compared to 2006.

Tourism:- is the growth industry of the 1990s. The past decade has seen an enormous expansion in the number of visitors coming to Australia and an increased recognition of the financial significance of tourism.

Cultural tourism is an increasingly important factor in the holiday plans of both domestic and overseas tourists in Australia.

Commonwealth and state levels should consider means of developing and supporting a nationally coordinated regional and local tourism infrastructure, and marketing strategies of the Australian and State Tourism Commissions should be reassessed.


Flower Island, Palawan

St. ThomasLocated in the Virgin Islands, St. Thomas is famous for its beaches and shopping, bed and breakfasts dot an island that caters to couples and families. Theres a limit party scene so youll get peace and quiet as you stare into your lovers eyes.




La Digue — Seychelles

Machu Picchu — Peru


Sri Lanka

V ictoria Falls


Iguassu Falls

The Nemsa


Tourism has become a popular global leisure activity. In 2007, there were over 903 million international tourist arrivals, with a growth of 6.6% as compared to 2006.

Tourism:- is the growth industry of the 1990s. The past decade has seen an enormous expansion in the number of visitors coming to Australia and an increased recognition of the financial significance of tourism.

Cultural tourism is an increasingly important factor in the holiday plans of both domestic and overseas tourists in Australia.

Commonwealth and state levels should consider means of developing and supporting a nationally coordinated regional and local tourism infrastructure, and marketing strategies of the Australian and State Tourism Commissions should be reassessed.


Flower Island, Palawan

St. ThomasLocated in the Virgin Islands, St. Thomas is famous for its beaches and shopping, bed and breakfasts dot an island that caters to couples and families. Theres a limit party scene so youll get peace and quiet as you stare into your lovers eyes.
