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  • ◄زيتية العينين►
    V - I - P
    • Oct 2009
    • 2488

    وان بقيتِ مصممه على الموضوع سيكون عندك
    بأقرب وقت


    • -قطر الندى-
      • Dec 2008
      • 29

      لا انا اخترت الموضوع دا لأن اسهل واحد في اللي هي طرحتهم علينا غير كذا الاغلبية اخذو باقي الموضعين بس هذا الموضوع قليل البنات اللي اختارو فقالت خلاص انتي معاهم بالموسيقى ياريت تكون الكلمات بسيطه عشان يسهل عليا حفظها ونطقها واكون شاكرة لك


      • ◄زيتية العينين►
        V - I - P
        • Oct 2009
        • 2488

        باذن الله سأحاول ان انجزه بأسرع وقت


        • ◄زيتية العينين►
          V - I - P
          • Oct 2009
          • 2488

          Hip hop as a cultural movement manifest in B-boying (breakdancing), graffiti writing, DJing and eMCeeing is an artistic commitment to seize freedom from oppressive social conditions. This artistic commitment inherent in hip hop culture expresses a reality of human transcendence which was originally born out of the creative impulse and cultural improvisation of the oppressed African American, Afro-Caribbean and Latino American communities of New York City(with the South Bronx as the center) in the late 1970s.It was DJ Afrika Bambaataa that outlined the five pillars of hip-hop culture: MCing, DJing, breaking, graffiti writing, and knowledge.Other elements include beatboxing, hip hop fashion, and slang. Since first emerging in the Bronx, the lifestyle of hip hop culture has spread around the world When hip hop music began to emerge, it was based around disc jockeys who created rhythmic beats by looping breaks (small portions of songs emphasizing a percussive pattern) on two turntables, which is now more commonly referred to as sampling. This was later accompanied by "rapping" (a rhythmic style of chanting or poetry more formally in 16 bar measures or time frames) and beatboxing, a vocal technique mainly used to imitate percussive elements of the music and various technical effects of hip hop DJs. An original form of dancing and particular styles of dress arose among followers of this new music. These elements experienced considerable refinement and development over the course of the history of the culture.

          اذا حسيتيها صعبه ممكن اغيرها بالتوفيق


          • -قطر الندى-
            • Dec 2008
            • 29

            يسلمووووو ايديك ياعسل
            والله يسهل عليك زي ماسهلتي


            • ◄زيتية العينين►
              V - I - P
              • Oct 2009
              • 2488

              اهلا بكِ
              اختي ان احسستِ انه غير مناسب
              يمكنني ان ازودك باخر
              زيتية العينين


              • الاميرة النائمه
                • Jul 2009
                • 3


                السلام عليكم

                ابغى مساعدة,,,ابغى موضوع عن البترول مرتبط بالاقتصاد سعودي قبل وبعد,,,وكمان كتيب عن الصداقه

                اوكي ,,,


                • (( مجنون ايطاليا ))
                  عـضـو فعال
                  • Nov 2009
                  • 89

                  • نوم العوافي :k:

                  اهلين بالاميره النائمه

                  شوفي هالرابط عن البترول والاقتصاد السعودي بالتوضيح المفصل

                  Know Before You Go: The TravelDocs World Atlas page for Saudi Arabia gives a helpful over about the Economy, Geography, Government, History and People of Saudi Arabia

                  بالنسبه للصداقه :

                  مافهمت يعني وش المقصود من اي ناحيه بس شوفي هالرابط احتمال تحصلي مبتغاكي :

                  تحياتي : مجنون ايطاليا


                  • -قطر الندى-
                    • Dec 2008
                    • 29

                    معليش انا عارفه ان زودتها
                    بس ياريت تشوفي التعبير دا صح واذا في اغلاط ممكن تعدليها لي وتنفع تكون برزنتيشن لأن الموضوع اللي كتبتي لي هو من وقت مانزلتيه وانا احاول احفظه مافدرت لأنه مره طويل

                    Iam a fan of hip-hop music so I decided today to tell you some information was available beginning when the devices started to play discs of African American teenagers and created a hip-hop music - the kind of music born in the United States and then spread to now become a central focus in the music industry and the fashion world. Hip-hop music has appeared first appeared thirty years ago in the town of the Bronx, which is one of the five sections of New York City, one of the neighborhoods that reflect depression-poor settings from central cities. Hip-hop is the most important means contributed to the cultural landscape of today's two U.S. hip-hop music and poetry and art prepare adolescents for each track the paths of life. Valheib Hoop help them in conversation and public speaking and build confidence in themselves. The hip-hop world in the musical and cultural influence on both, His style, performance art has its ramifications in the entire United States and throughout the world.


                    • ◄زيتية العينين►
                      V - I - P
                      • Oct 2009
                      • 2488

                      المشاركة الأصلية بواسطة -قطر الندى-
                      معليش انا عارفه ان زودتها
                      بس ياريت تشوفي التعبير دا صح واذا في اغلاط ممكن تعدليها لي وتنفع تكون برزنتيشن لأن الموضوع اللي كتبتي لي هو من وقت مانزلتيه وانا احاول احفظه مافدرت لأنه مره طويل

                      Iam a fan of hip-hop music so I decided today to tell you some information was available beginning when the devices started to play discs of African American teenagers and created a hip-hop music - the kind of music born in the United States and then spread to now become a central focus in the music industry and the fashion world. Hip-hop music has appeared first appeared thirty years ago in the town of the Bronx, which is one of the five sections of New York City, one of the neighborhoods that reflect depression-poor settings from central cities. Hip-hop is the most important means contributed to the cultural landscape of today's two U.S. hip-hop music and poetry and art prepare adolescents for each track the paths of life. Valheib Hoop help them in conversation and public speaking and build confidence in themselves. The hip-hop world in the musical and cultural influence on both, His style, performance art has its ramifications in the entire United States and throughout the world.
                      غاليتي صحيحه وتنفع لكن احببت
                      ان اعطيكي ما يناسب اعتذر
                      يمكنك استخدامه اذا حفظته عن ظهر قلب

                      لكن دعيني حتى يوم الغد اراجعه


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