خاطرة باللغة الانجليزية ..

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  • MiSs Cray
    عضو ماسي
    • Jul 2009
    • 355
    • أرســــم لي وطنا وضعه له حدود
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    خاطرة باللغة الانجليزية ..

    First Sight

    For along long time I was walking without any goals just to keep my life and save my self ,I wasn't care for any one .People asked "Where is your love? Where is your girl?", I said no one could affect my heart ,but I was mistaken .I fell in love by its all meanings .When I saw you at the first time everything had been changed ,you are looking so delicious ,you are amazing ,you have angel eyes .When I saw all that in the first sight ,I had lost my mind ,I didnt feel time and place .Then I imagined that there were voices whispered and calling my heart ,your heart was calling ,I thought I was falling ,you pulled me close, I couldnt let go ,like my hands were tied .This feeling attacked me ,I tried to fight it ,but I couldnt ,I thought that it wasnt love ,but for the second time I was mistaken ,because it was the beginning of my love.

    After that I think that you are my ecstasy, because I feel happy when I see you ,and you are the one I need ,you are mine. When I met you again I had a feeling that I was in heaven ,and I saw only you ,no one else ,I got a taste of paradise ,there was an idea in my head that was looking in your eyes ,I did it ,so I was wondering what I could say ,I felt no pain ,you took away all pain like a bullet to my brain ,you drove me crazy ,I had lost my mind again ,you left me ,please dont leave me in this way ,I watched you going and taking my heart with you ,my heart was crying out for you ,It was too hard to breathe ,I couldnt hold on any more ,your love made me sick ,but I refused to give up ,no man could ever do it .Without you I can't breathe easy ,without you I think I can't dream any another dream ,I have no place to go ,there is no escape.

    When you were not with me I needed a girl like you, no way, there is no girl like you, my heart is still crying out for you, because you are everything I need. I need you back in my life, you are every thing I need, you are my sun, you are my Earth. All I need from you is to believe that you are in my heart for along time. If I think about marriage, she will be you , sweety just love me I mean that is you, it isnt hard to love me, just do it because I can't end this love. Do it and I will leave my life in your hand, and all your wishes will be done, what will you say ?????? are you with me from this moment??? tell me if you feel it, I want to know if you feel the same. Please dont resist it, I know you can't hide it, baby just love me that's all, one love is all I need. If you are shy to say that directly, then you can tell me that you need me when you call me on the phone, I dont want some kissing and hugging like others, you know what I want and if you don't know I will tell you from now that I want you. If you want a reason why I am still in love, all I can say that you are my life and I can't live without you.

    May be I didnt know how to show my love and may be I didnt know what to say, but I think you know what I want to say, you told me you didnt, all right come closer just a little, now you can know why I feel so weak when you are near me. All my friends asked me what happened to me and who she is, I told them "she is every thing I am looking for " .you want a reason why I'm still loving you, you dont know all the ways I loved you, I see you in my dream, I think about you all of time, without you I havent a reason to live, without you I forget the softness of wind, the taste of bread and the sound of birds, also I forget my name, the life will be too hard to live. I think I can't find love like that again. If you dont love me, I will go back to my first life which was rigid, stiff, hard and tough, and I am sure I will be the loser.

    Now listen baby It is your turn to show me your love, I want to know how you love me, so I have some questions for you, you better answer me now, am I the only one? Am I every thing you need? Am I the one you are looking for? I want to be the one, say it and I won't be sorry or the loser, your every wish will be done, just think about what you want, and you will see what I can do. Over this you will be with me, I will protect you from anything, you dont know that they call me risky man, I will be where you are to rescue you and you get me where you want me. And before you know that you want help, I can help you. you will say that what you have now in this age, I must confess that my love is all I have to give and all I have is little for you, but it is short duration and I will do my best to bring what you need. At last I want you to know that if loving you with all my heart is a crime then I am guilty………………………………………
  • MiSs Cray
    عضو ماسي
    • Jul 2009
    • 355
    • أرســــم لي وطنا وضعه له حدود
      فكم فتشت طويلا عن وطني في خارطة الدنيا
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    مرحبا انا نقلت هالخاطرة من قلم لشخص مجهول وبتشكره كتير لانه اهداني هالخاطرة ..
    وبحب احكيلكم انه صورة القلب معناها love والبنت معناها girl ...
    بستنى رايكم وردكم على الموضوع
    تحياتي للجميع


    • ** عبورة عتيبه **
      عضو متألق
      • Aug 2008
      • 326
      • سبحآن الله وبحمده .. سبحآن الله العظيم

      يعطيك العافية خاطره جميلة ..


      • Off The Grid
        كُلُّهُم رَحَلـوا ...
        • Dec 2004
        • 4011

        It is an acceptable piece of thoughts though it contains many mistakes and the use of emoticons was needless here.

        thanks for what you've chosen for us to read :)


        • яă๓ă
          عضو فضي
          • Dec 2008
          • 527
          • "

          thanx baby

          it's so nice


          • иσ ρяôмîsεs «
            عضو متألق
            • Sep 2008
            • 468

            • *

              إستغفر الله وأتـوب إليهـ ..


            It is truly wonderful words

            I am happy to read
            Thank you because we enjoyed

            keep the good work

            Your sister


            • عبيرالمسفر
              • Aug 2007
              • 8

              جنان كلك ذووق


              • MiSs Cray
                عضو ماسي
                • Jul 2009
                • 355
                • أرســــم لي وطنا وضعه له حدود
                  فكم فتشت طويلا عن وطني في خارطة الدنيا
                  فلم اراه الا في (عينيك) موجود

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                شكرا كتير على مروركم وردودكم الحلوة


                • MiSs Cray
                  عضو ماسي
                  • Jul 2009
                  • 355
                  • أرســــم لي وطنا وضعه له حدود
                    فكم فتشت طويلا عن وطني في خارطة الدنيا
                    فلم اراه الا في (عينيك) موجود

                    Enter Here

                  thank you my sister rasha about youre reading this words


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