امور مهمة لتتعلم الإنجليزية

  • الوقت
  • عرض
إلغاء تحديد الكل
مشاركات جديدة
  • الدلوعة
    • Mar 2006
    • 23
    • يمنع وضع إيميلآت أو موآقع أخر ى ،،، آلآدآره

    يديك الف عافيه لكن وين التكملة ..؟


    • دلوعة عبودي
      • Aug 2007
      • 21

      يسلموووا والله انا ابغا مواقع انجلش عشان انا قسمي ,, ثانكس


      • تيتو
        عـضـو فعال
        • Nov 2007
        • 202

        بصراحة جزاك الله خيرا
        مواقع جميلة قوى
        ولك كل الشكر


        • وردة الجزائر
          • Nov 2007
          • 4

          شكرا لكم جزيلا انها دروس رائعة ومفيدة للجميع


          • وردة الجزائر
            • Nov 2007
            • 4

            اشكركم جزيلا الشكر على هذه الدروس الانجليزية واتمنى لكل العظو فى المنتدى ان يتعلم منها


            • جوري الورد
              عـضـو فعال
              • Apr 2005
              • 141
              • يظن الناس بي خيراً وإني...لشر الناس إن لم تعف عني..

              امور مهمة لتتعلم الإنجليزية

              السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
              أسعد الله اوقاتكم بكل خير ..
              مسائل مهمة .. أو اتصورها كذلك لتفيد المتلقي للإنجليزية..
              القاموس الانجليزي يحتوي على 75% من اللغة الاتينه و اللغة الاغريقيه. انا كتب بعض الكلمات و سوف اضيف كلمات خرا في نفسي الموضوع.
              وهذا مفيد للكتابة و قراءه و التكلم
              فإذا وجدت احد هذه الكلمات في كلمه يمكن أن تعرف معنى هذه الكلمة
              سوف أحاول وضع أمثله و ترجمة معاني الكلمات

              I wrote this and I really hope it will be useful
              English is 75% Latin and Greek. So Ill write the Latin or Greek word and it meaning. It will help you on write, speaking and reading.
              So when you see this word you know what the whole word is about
              Ill give you more words in the same subject and I try to translate it to Arabic. In addition Ill try to give examples


              act to ----------------- act
              acu, acr, ac ---------- needle
              alt ------------high
              anima, anim-----------------life, mind
              ann, enn ---------------year
              anthrop --------------man
              arch, archi --------------govern, rule
              arm ---------------army, weapon
              arbitr, arbiter ------------------------to judge, consider
              art -------------------craft, skill
              arthr, art -----------------------segment, joint
              aud -------------------to hear
              bell --------------war
              biblio, bibl --------------------book
              capit, cipit -----------------head
              caus ------------------------cause, case, lawsuit
              cede ------------------to go, yield
              cele ---------------honor
              cell ---------------to rise, project
              cent ----------------one hundred
              cept, capt, cip, cap, ceive, ceipt --------------------to take, hold, grasp
              cert ---------------------sure, to trust
              cess, ced -----------------to move, withdraw
              cid, cis ------------------------to cut off, be breif, to kill
              circ, circum -------------------around
              civ ---------------citizen
              claud ---------------------close, shut, block
              clin -----------------------to lean, lie, bend
              cog -----------------to know
              column --------------------------a column
              comput -----------------to compute
              cont ------------------------to join, unite
              cor, cord, cour, card -------------------heart
              corp ---------------body
              cosm ---------------------------world, order, universe
              crac, crat -----------------rule, govern
              cred ------------------believe, trust
              crit, cris -----------------------------separate, discern, judge
              culp ------------------------fault, blame
              curs, curr, corr -----------------to run
              custom ----------------one's own
              dem ----------------------people
              dent, odon ---------------------tooth
              derm ------------------------skin
              dic, dict ---------------------to say, to speak, assert
              duct, duc --------------------------to lead, draw
              dur ---------------------------------to harden, hold out


              • جوري الورد
                عـضـو فعال
                • Apr 2005
                • 141
                • يظن الناس بي خيراً وإني...لشر الناس إن لم تعف عني..

                ego ---------------------- I
                ethn ------------------------nation
                equ ----------------------------equal, fair
                fac, fic, fect, fact ----------------------------to make, to do
                famil ----------------------------family
                fen -------------------------------to strike
                fer ----------------------------to carry, bear, bring
                fid ----------------------------trust, faith
                fin ------------------------------------------to end
                flu --------------------------------to flow
                form ----------------------------shape, form
                fort ------------------------------chance, luck, strong
                frig -----------------------cool
                fum ----------------------------smoke, scent
                gam ------------------------marriage
                gen -----------------------------race, family, kind
                geo -------------------------------earth
                gno, kno --------------------- to know
                grad, gred, gress -------------------------step, degree, rank
                graph, gram -------------------------write, draw, describe, record
                grat ----------------------------------pleasure, thankful, goodwill, joy
                grav, griev, grief -----------------------------heavy
                gymn -------------------------------naked
                hab -------------------------------to have, hold, dwell
                hom -----------------------------------man, human
                hosp ------------------------------guest, host
                host ----------------------------enemy, stranger
                hydro -----------------------------water
                hygiene ----------------------the art of health
                hypno -------------------------------sleep
                init --------------------------------to begin, enter upon
                jur, jus, jud ------------------------------law, right
                juven ------------------------------------young
                labor, lab --------------------------work
                lat -------------------------------lateral, side, wide
                laud ----------------------------praise
                leg, lig ---------------------------law, to chose, perceive, understand
                lev ------------------------------to make light, raise, lift
                liber, liver --------------------------- free
                lingu, langu --------------------------------tounge
                lith ------------------------------stone
                loc ------------------------------------place
                locu, loqu ------------------------------word, speak
                log -------------------------------------idea, word, speech, reason, study
                luc, lum --------------------------------light
                man ------------------------------hand
                mar -----------------------------sea
                med, medi --------------------------------middle
                medic ------------------------physician, to heal

                memor ----------------------------------------------mindful
                men, min, mon --------------------------------------to think, remind, advise, warn
                ment ------------------------------------------mind
                meter, metr ------------------------------------measure
                migr ------------------------to move, travel
                mim --------------------------copy, imitate
                mit, mis ----------------------------to send
                mor ------------------------------------fool, manner, custom
                morph ---------------------------------form
                mort ----------------------------death
                mov, mob, mot -----------------------to move
                mus -----------------little mouse
                mut ------------------------------change, exchange
                necess ------------------------------unavoidable
                neur, nerv --------------------------- nerve
                noc, nox ----------------------night, harm
                nomen, nomin -----------------------name
                null, nihil, nil --------------------- nothing, void
                nym, onym, onom ----------------------name
                opt -------------------eye
                ord, ordin ----------------- order
                ortho ------------------------straight
                par, pair ----------------------------arrange, prepare, get ready, set
                part, pars ---------------------- portion, part
                ped, pes ----------------------------- foot
                pend, pond, pens ----------------------------------- to weigh, pay, consider
                phe, fa, fe ---------------------- speak, spoken about
                phil --------------------- love
                phon ------------------------- sound, voice
                photo ---------------------- light
                pler --------------------- to fill
                plic ------------------ to fold
                plur, plus ------------------- more
                pneu ----------------- breath
                polis, polit ------------------------ citizen, city, state
                port -------------------------- to carry
                pos ------------------------- to place, put
                pot ------------------- powerfull
                prim, prin -------------------------first
                priv ----------------- seperate
                prob --------------------- to prove, test
                psych -------------------------- mind, soul, spirit
                pyr -------------------- fire
                reg, rig, rect, reign --------------------------------government, rule, right, straight
                respond ------------------------- to answer
                rupt --------------------break, burst
                sacr, secr, sacer -------------------sacred
                sat ---------------------- to please
                sci ----------------------- to know
                scope -----------------------to see

                age ----------------------------- belongs to
                ance ----------------------- state of being
                ant ------------------------------- thing or one who
                ar ------------------------------- relating to, like
                ary -------------------------- relating to, like
                ence ------------------------- state, fact, quality
                ent ------------------------ to form
                ic --------------------------- like, having the nature
                ine ----------------------- nature of-feminine ending
                ion, tion, ation ----------------------------- being, the result of
                ism ------------------- act, condition
                ist ---------------------- one who
                ive ---------------------------- of, belonging to, quality of
                ment -----------------------------------------------a means, product, act, state
                or ------------------- person or thing that
                ory ----------------- place for
                ty -------------------------condition of, quality of
                y ----------------------------------------creats abstract noun
                able ----------------------capable of being
                al -----------------------like, suitable for
                ance ---------------------- state of being
                ant -------------------------- thing or one who
                ar ------------------- relating to, like
                ary ---------------------- relating to, like
                ate ---------------------- to become associated with
                ent -------------------- to form
                ial ------------- function of
                ible -------------------- capable of being
                ic ------------------------- like, having the nature of
                ine ---------------------- nature of-feminine ending
                ive ------------------------------ of, belonging to, quality of
                ory -------------------- place for
                ous ------------------------------- characterized by, having quality of
                y -------------------------- quality, somewhat like
                ate ------------------------ to become associated with
                fy ----------------- make, do
                ise, ize ----------------- to become like
                ic ------------------------ like, having the nature of
                ly ------------------------ like, to extent of


                • code
                  • Nov 2007
                  • 10
                  • WHeN It GoeS Up ,,, It NeVeR CoMeS DowN


                    "قفز: CODE "قفز:

                  يسلمووووووووووووووو ع المواقع القيمه
                  واللى عن جد كثير يحتاجونها

                  طيب مافيه موقع دردشه صوتيه بالانجليزيه غير البرامج

                  ثانكس اقين



                  • عسولة بغداد
                    عضو ماسي
                    • Dec 2006
                    • 1089

                    مشكورة على الموضوع وما قصرتي
                    تقبلي مني كل الود


                    • fatet el ahlem
                      • Mar 2008
                      • 1
                      • اللهم يا أرحم الراحمين انك وعدتنا بالاجابة اذ سألنا........
                        اللهم اني أسألك لمن تصلهم رسالتي عفوا و عافية و سترا و رزقا حلالا و شفاءا من كل داء و فرجا من كل ضيق و سعدا خالصا من اي كدر

                      عاونتيني بزاف يا زهرة تووووونس
                      ربي يخليك لينا
                      زهرة الجزائر


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