دروس يومية لتعليم اللغة الانجليزية Daily lessons to teach English

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  • تيتو
    عـضـو فعال
    • Nov 2007
    • 202

    دروس يومية لتعليم اللغة الانجليزية Daily lessons to teach English

    Hello and welcome all members of the Forum 3bir, Today I bring you lessons to teach English from BBC site and these lessons will be daily.
    They will benefit members who want to learn English I request the installation
    We will ask questions and we hope everyone answered after each lesson
    We will translate some of the difficult words.
    We reported to all members to benefit

    With wishes for your success and excellence
  • تيتو
    عـضـو فعال
    • Nov 2007
    • 202

    First lesson

    First lesson

    time travel.
    Today we are talking about time travel.
    Have you ever wanted to go back in time?
    Two scientists now think time travel might not be science fiction.
    Professor Amos Ori is an eminent physicist who thinks time travel might be a possibility for future generations.
    He has set out a theoretical model for a time machine, which is based on a series of mathematical equations.
    His equations show that time would be able to curve back on itself so that a person travelling around the loop might be able to go further back in time with each lap.
    It's been described as a doughnut of space time.
    Another scientist called Dr Ronald Mallett, has only recently spoken out about his time travel research as he thought other scientists might think he was a crackpot scientist.
    His theory is called space time twisting by light.
    Dr Mallett was inspired by a novel written in 1895 called The Time Machine, by the writer H G Wells. He read it when he was ten years old after his father died, and the novel gave him hope that he might one day be able to go back and save his father's life.

    If you could go back in time, where would you go and why?
    ما هو المكان او الزمن الذى ستختارونه ان كانت لديكم الة السفر عبر الزمن و لما؟

    time travel
    السفر عبر الزمن

    go back in time
    العودة الى الزمن الماضى

    science fiction
    خيال علمى

    eminent physicist
    عالم فيزياء معروف

    future generations
    الاجيال القادمة - اجيال المستقبل

    theoretical model
    نموذج نظرى

    time machine
    الة زمن

    mathematical equations
    معادلات رياضية

    curve back on itself
    ينحنى و يعود الى الوراء

    عقدة - حلقة


    نوع من انواع الكيك المستدير به ثقب من المنتصف فى شكل حلقة

    space time
    المفهوم الذى يقول ان الزمن هو البعد الرابع

    crackpot scientist
    عالم غريب الاطوار

    space time twisting by light
    استخدام الضوء لارجاع الزمن



    • samaka
      • Nov 2007
      • 2

      thanks tito
      If you could go back in time, where would you go and why
      I go to see how the ancient Egyptians built the pyramids


      • تيتو
        عـضـو فعال
        • Nov 2007
        • 202

        المشاركة الأصلية بواسطة samaka
        thanks tito
        If you could go back in time, where would you go and why
        I go to see how the ancient Egyptians built the pyramids

        The idea of a very Exciting

        Thank you

        Consensus O group


        • تيتو
          عـضـو فعال
          • Nov 2007
          • 202

          الشعور بالإرهاق طوال الوقت

          Today we talk about getting a good night's sleep
          A new exhibition at London's Wellcome Collection explores the disappearance of rest from daily life.

          One in three people have sleep problems and the symptoms are clear to see. People yawn or even nod off in important meetings. They feel sleepy during the day.
          Doctors call this T.A.T.T, which stands for 'tired all the time'.
          People with sleep problems often complain that they fall asleep but then wake up in the middle of the night and then they can't get back to sleep again.
          In other words they have disturbed nights.

          So what can be done to help these unfortunate people?
          A traditional suggestion is that if you can't sleep you should try counting sheep! A more modern version of this is to repeat the word 'the' over and over again until you fall asleep. </B>
          The problem of people experiencing sleep problems is a serious one. Dr Neil Stanley, a sleep expert, says 'sleep is as important as diet and exercise when it comes to the nation's health'.

          Do you have ideas for getting a good night's sleep? Write to us in English.

          هل لديك اي أفكار تساعد الناس علي الحصول علي ليلة نوم هادئة؟

          getting a good night's sleep
          الحصول على ليلة نوم هادئة

          the disappearance of rest from daily life
          إختفاء الراحة من الحياة اليومية

          sleep problems
          مشاكل النوم


          nod off
          يغرق في النوم فجاة

          feel sleepy
          يشعر بالنعاس

          tired all the time
          مُرهق طوال الوقت

          fall asleep
          وقع في النوم

          wake up
          يصحو من النوم

          can't get back to sleep again
          لا يستطيع العودة إلي النوم

          disturbed nights
          ليال غير مريحة ؟ ليال يتقلب فيها الشخص و لا يستطيع خلالها النوم

          try counting sheep
          محاولة عد الخراف

          the nation's health
          الصحة العامة للشعب - الأمة


          • *عبووووره*
            عـضـو فعال
            • Nov 2007
            • 196
            • استغفر الله

            thaaaaaaaaaaaaanks tito


            • mizo_mido
              • Nov 2007
              • 17

              thank u tito


              • جوري الورد
                عـضـو فعال
                • Apr 2005
                • 141
                • يظن الناس بي خيراً وإني...لشر الناس إن لم تعف عني..

                thats so usefull tito..
                and I wish all the membrs share with you
                keep rech us


                • تيتو
                  عـضـو فعال
                  • Nov 2007
                  • 202

                  المشاركة الأصلية بواسطة جوري الورد
                  thats so usefull tito..
                  and I wish all the membrs share with you
                  keep rech us
                  thank you
                  but I am very sad
                  Because there are no responses to the subject
                  But I hope this will be answered soon


                  • تيتو
                    عـضـو فعال
                    • Nov 2007
                    • 202

                    الناس و القطط

                    Hello everyone

                    Today i am talk about the origins of the domestic cat.

                    New genetic research shows that domestic cats around the world can trace their origins to the Fertile Crescent of the Middle East.
                    The new DNA research tells us that cats started living alongside humans from about 10,000 to 130,000 years ago.
                    This is much earlier than dogs and makes cats our earliest companions.
                    Experts say that cats may have been domesticated by early farming communities.
                    It is thought that cats probably came to humans because they were attracted by the rats and mice that infested our first agricultural settlements.
                    The cats brought their hunting skills and became friendly with people. The partnership has lasted since then.
                    Some people like cats because they like their personality and independence
                    Others are not so keen on cats because cat fur gives them allergies.

                    What do you like or dislike about cats?
                    اكتب عما تحب أو لا تحب عن القطط

                    كلمات مترجمة


                    domestic cat
                    قطة منزلية

                    genetic research
                    بحث في علم الوراثه

                    trace their origins
                    البحث فى أصولهم

                    جنبا الى جنب

                    إستأنست / أصبحت أليفة

                    farming communities
                    المجتمعات الزراعية


                    agricultural settlements
                    أراضينا الزراعية

                    hunting skills
                    مهارات الصيد




                    أمراض الحساسية

                    ارجو من الجميع الكتابة باللغة الانجليزية
                    الذى لم يسيتطيع الكتابة باللغة الانجليزية
                    يكتب باللغة العربية اوكاى ولكن يتابع معى
                    باستمرار لاننى سوف اترجمها له لو من
                    تقف معه اى جملة يستفسر عنها
                    اتمنى التفاعل معى
                    الافادة لنا جميعا
                    تقبلوا تحياتى


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