بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
الماضى البسيط
يأتي الفعل الماضي على عدة أشكال
1- الماضي المنتظم " الشكل الأول : الفعل وهو إضافة ( d,ed ) عند تحويله إلى الماضي
store stored
2- الفعل الماضي الثابت : عدم الفعل عند تحوله إلى الماضي
cut cut
3- الفعل الماضي الشاذ : وهو تغير شكل الفعل عند تحوله إلى ماضي وهذه الأفعال تحفظ غيبا
eat ate
للتعبير عن حدث وقع في الماضي ضمن فترة زمنية محددة مثل :
“ ago , yesterday , for ages , last( week , month , day , … ) , that ( day , time week, … ) ,its ( time , 2hours , several days … )
• I sent ( send ) a letler to my friend last week .
• We had ( have ) abike many years ago .
النفي يتم نفي التصريف الثاني وذلك باستخدام ( مجرد + didnt )
• Had didnt have
• Broke didnt broke
• Saw didnt see
السؤال a. Why questions
W.h + did + subject + verb (base) + object + comp?
• What did John eat last evening ?
• Where did Ahmad leave last night ?
b.Yes , no questions
Did + subject + verb ( base ) +object + comp ?
• Did Ahmad watch television yesterday ?
• Did Laila play basketball yesterday ?
• Who .............. ( smell ) burning food 2 minutes ago ?
• You .................. ( sing ) well in the party last night .
• She ................... ( not/ knew ) my name frow the newspaper
• that day .
• It's time we ............... ( close ) the shop .
• Suppose the teacher ................. ( catch ) us in his room .
• She wishes she ....................... ( know) the answer .
• I'd rather you ............... ( not/talk) so much .
• I .............. ( sea ) friend yesterday .
• She ....................... ( study ) English two house ago .
• Three days ago we ....................... ( visit ) Babylon .
• John .................. ( play ) football last sunday .
• Last winter he .................... ( be ) in London .
• Ahmad and Zaki ................. ( be ) ill yesterday .
• Yesterday I ..................... ( not be ) at home .
• Last spring they ................. ( not to be ) in london
• ................... you ................. him last week ?
• Why he ................. ( be ) late yesterday ?
الماضي المستمر
She / He / It /I + was + verb + ing
We / They / You + were + verb + ing
الإستخدام للتعبير عن فعل كان مستمرا لفترة معينة في الماضي وانتهى في الماضي
• We were reading all day yesterday .
للنعبير عن الفاعل في الماضي وحدوث فعل اخر اكثر أهمية
• While she was sleeping , the door bell rang .
دلائل الماضي
“ while , when , as , all ( day , time , …. ) yesterday , last yesterday (in the hours)
1- while + was /were + verb + ing/simple past “ while I was working , my father came “
2- As + was/were + verb +ing/ simple past “ As I was having breakfast , the man knocked at the door”
3- When + simple past / was,were + verb + ing “ When he left us ,it was raining heavily.
• Were you talking ? No . Sir , we ............................ ( write ) our homework .
• As the child ................. ( walk) near the hole , he fell in in it .
• We .................. ( have ) tea while our children were playing on the grass .
• We said that we ....................... ( go ) as far as you were .
• When I ...................... ( work ) , they ......... ( play )
• We................. ( see ) him when he .............. ( swim ) .
• While we ............... ( read) the litter , the bell ............. ( rang ) .
• They .................. ( meet ) her as she ....................... ( walk ) along road .
• While I ..................... ( come ) her , I .................. ( meet ) john and ............. ( speak ) to him .
المستقبل التام
Will + have + P.P التصريف الثالث
الإستخدام للتعبير عن حدث نتوقع انتهائه في المستقبل او نفترض انه قد انتهى ساعة الكلام ويستخم مع الدلاله الزمنيه.
By + ( الزمن )
By tomorrow , by 2020 , by next week
By the end of tomorrow .
• By the end of this I …………….. ( finish ) my course .
• By 2002 my father ………. ( buy ) my farm .
• I ……………… ( shall / do ) my work while he is away .
• By the new year we …………… ( learn ) more new words .
المضارع البسيط
He / she / It / base ( S/ES)
I / you / we / they + base
الإستخدام العادات التكرارية وهي الأعمال التي نقوم بها بصورة دائمة ومنتظمة وتحوي دلالات ظرفية زمنية مثل :
• Every(day,week,month,year,morning ….)
• Always,often,sometimes,generally,hourly…)
• Daily,weekly,mounthly,yearly,hlurly…)
• Once a ( day,week,mounth,…)
• Twice a (day,week,mounth,…)
• Three times a (day,week,mounth,…)
• We always spend our holidays away from home.
• Taha prays at a neighboring mosque daily .
الحقائق ( general facts حقائق عامة / الحقائق العلمية scientific facts )
القوانين , النظريات , الظواهر , حقائق عامة ....
1- We eat to live .
2- the earth goes round
مع الأفعال اللاإرادية : ومعظم هذا الأفعال من ( افعال الحواس , العاطفة , الاراء ) وجميعها لا بخضع لسيطرة الانسان وتأتي بصيغة التصريف الاول بدل ing مع أفعال الكون
hear hear Love Hate
Remmber Notice Feel Taste Forgive
Know Suppose Want Wish Care
Blieve Forget Recognize Refuse Accept
Seem Mean Mean Smell Possess
1- I Hate these people ; they often talk nonsense .
2- I forget the name of my English teacher .
في الجمل التعجبية ملاحظة : يجب أن يكون الفعل في التعجب تصريف أول مع ( S)
1- There comes our train !
2- Here goes my story !
ملاحظات هامة جدا إذا كان الفعل " مضارع بسيط " وبدأت الجملة ب ( it, she , he اسم مفرد ) علينا في هذه الحالة أن نضيف ( S) أو ( ES) للفعل حسب القواعد التالية :
أ- الفعل المنتهي بالأحرف التالية نضيف له ( ES)
• O, X, CH,SH, Z + ES
النفي يتم نفي التصريف الأول " SILMPLE PRESENT " وذلك باستخدام :
( DOSENT /DONT ) ثم فعل BASE
He/she/It + dosent + base
I / we / you / They + dont + base
wh + do/does + I,you,we,they ,he,she,it + verb ( base ) + object + comp ?
• When do the boys leave school ?
• When does ahmad live ?
b.Yes , no questions
Do/does + I,we , they , you ,he , she, it + verb ( base) + object + comp ?
• Do the men work hard ?
• Does it rain every winter in Jordan ?
• Nowadays This book ................... ( not/cost) JD5 .
• There ....................... ( go ) now .
• She daily ............... ( do ) her duty .
• Jordan River ..................... ( flow ) into the Dead Sea .
• He ................... ( not /think) that everything is easy .
• Stare .................. ( shine ) at night .
• A dog ................ ( be ) an animal .
• Every body .................... ( have ) one mouth .
• Zeki ................. ( play ) football every day .
• John ................ ( fly ) to London once a year .
• Laila always .................... ( wash ) the dishes carefully .
• A camel ...................... ( not eat) meat .
• What you ............... ( do ) every summer ?
المضارع التام المستمر
I/you / we /they + have +been +ing
She /He/It + has +been+ +ing
All time this ( morning ,evening ….)
All ( time , day, my life ….. )
( privately ) , since , for .
قواعد since , for ملاحظة : since /for لها قاعدتين
1- مع الأفعال التي لا تأخذ " ING "
For/since : have ,has +v3
2- مع باقي الأ فعال
For/since : Have ,has + been +ING
ملاحظة :
1- FOR يتبعها كمية من الزمن مثل : ( 2 years , along time , an houre , days….)
3- SINCE ينبعها إسم الزمن مثل : ( Sunday , June , 6 Oclock , 1990 )
• For 2 houre I ................. ( wait ) for him .
• Since morning she ................. ( be ) There .
• All time we ................... ( prepare ) for the match .
• We ........................ ( work ) here since morning .
الماضي التام
Had + P.P
الإستخدام للتعبير عن فعلين منفصلين يحدثان في الزمن الماضي و أحدهما حدث قبل الاخر .
الفعل الذي حدث أولا يسمى الفعل الماضي التام ( Had + P.P )
الفعل الذي حدث ثانيا يسمى الفعل الماضي البسيط ( التصريف الثاني )
ونفصل بين الفعلين ب ( If ,when , After , when ) حسب القواعد التالية :
Before + simple past / Had + P.P “ Before I went to School , I Had eaten breakfast “
After + had + P.P / simple past “ After I had eaten breakfast , I went to School”
• The firemen .................... ( arrive ) after the fire ................ ( go ) out .
• They ............. ( finish ) their work before they ................. ( take ) a rest .
• I wish I ............. ( not/ meet ) you before .
• If only you ............... ( not / say ) such foolish things.
• Maha was more exciting than we .................. (thing).
• After I ................... ( see ) her , I ........... ( returne) back home .
Will , shall + base
Is / am / are + going to + base
المستقبل البسيط
“ Tomorrow , tonight , later , soon , in the future , this evening ,next ( week , time , day , … ) After ( 2houre , Sunday . 3 days … ) , At ( 7oclock , night , half past seven … ) afew ( houre , days ,…. ) on ( Sunday , Monday , the summer holiday ) ”
• all the working will stop at five oclock .
• Im going to marry Laila this summer .
الإستخدام للتعبير عن حدث سيقع في المستقبل كذلك تستخدم مع sure , centainly وبعد that مع الأفعال التالية :
Believe , thing , expect , know .
ويمكن أن يستخدم للتعبير عن أ الوعد ب التصميم الأكيد ج الرغبة د النية والقصد ه التهديد
Wh + will + subject + verb ( base ) + object + comp ?
• When will Ahmed buy his new car ?
• will Laila leave her job next week ?
• They ………… ( do ) their duties very soon .
• This car …………. ( coast ) a lot of many next year .
• Sure I ……………. ( have ) apicnic .
• This evening we …………… ( eat ) a good dinner .
• Our team ………….. ( win ) the match this season .
• I ................ ( visit ) him tomorrow .
• Next week she ....................... ( have ) a new watch .
• Ahmad ................. ( be ) in London next summer .
• Tomorrow it ...................... ( not be ) cold .
• We ....................... ( not travel ) next week .
• I ...................... ( see ) you in Jordan next month .
• Laila ................... ( be ) absent tomorrow ?
• What Zaki ................... ( do ) next week ?
• When we ...................... ( have ) our next holiday ?
• You ...................... ( not meet ) her next Tuesday ?
المستقبل المستمر
( Will + be + ing )
will be playing
للتعبيبر عن خطة عمل سنقوم بها في المستقبل أو حدث نتوقع انه سيكون مستمرا في المسبقبل ويستخدم مع الدلاله الظرفية الزمنية التالية :
By the time this ( year , week , mounth , … )
Next year at the same time .
• By the time school end we ………….. ( wait ) for the results .
• During the spring holidays our class ……………. ( visit ) some of the historic places.
• At the same tomorrow we …………… ( sit ) for the first exame .
المضارع التام
• I, We,They/ + have + P.P
• He,she,It / + has + P.P
دلالات المضارع التام يستخدم للتعبير عن فعل بدأ في الماضي وإنتهى الان . ويستخدم مع الدلالات الظرفية التالية :
( already, just , at last , so , far , for , since , never , ever , recently , up till now , yet lately )
• She has driven her for over five years .
• He has started to learn English since Ramadan .
النفي والسؤال ملاحظة ( Yet , ever ) تستخدم مع السؤال و النفي :
• Father hasnt come in Yet .
• Have you ever been to Petra ?
• Have you written your homework , Yet ?
ملاحظة : - ( إذا جائت الدلالات الظرفية في وسط الجملة فأنها تقع بين ( have , has ) والفعل حسب الجدول التالي :-
Has / Have+ already / just/Never + P.P
• Ammar has already eaten his lunch .
• Mother has almost finished
• cleaning the house .
الإستعمال نستنتج أن الفعل المضارع التام يستخدم للتعبير عن الحالات التالية :-
1. فعل إنتهى الان
• I have Just finished
2. بدأ في الماضي ولازال مستمر
• He has driven for five years
3. فعل جرى في الماضي وانتهى في الماضي ولكني افكر في نتيجته الان
• We have painted the door .
• It ..................... not/rain ) since yeasterday .
• Dalal ….........… ( just / finish ) her breakfast,yet.
• ................ You ............ ( ever/be ) to London?
• He ................... ( almost/ score ) abriliant goal.
• I just ................................... ( eat ) an orange .
• We just ......................... ( to post ) the letter s .
• She just .................................. ( drink ) the milk.
• Tom already ........................................( come ).
• John ........................................... ( come ) yet .
• Just .................... ( wash ) my hands .
• She …………….. ( to eat ) her breakfast already .
• John ........................ ( be ) ill since Sunday .
• I ...................... ( not see ) him yet .
• The lesson just ....................... ( begin ) .
• They ............................ ( work ) in this bank since April .
• He ............................ ( to work ) in this bank for four month.
المضارع المستمر
He/ She/ It + Is + verb+ing
I + am + verb + ing
We/ You / They + are + verb + ing
1. حدث يجري أثناء الكلام ( أي أن )
The men are working on the field now .
2. يعطي معنى المستقبل شريطة وجود دلالة مستقبل مثل :
( tomorrow , tonight , next , time )
They are wrking on the field next week .
3. لتعبير عن الغضب مع ( always) أو مع التعابير التالية
Continually, constantly, for ever
• She is continually asking for new clothes .
• You are always shouting at me constantly .
• They are for ever destroying toys .
• They are for ever destroying toys .
دلائل المضارع المستمر ملاحظة : التعابير التالية تستخدم مع الفعل المضارع المستمر :
• ( now, still, at, moment, at the present , in this hours , in this day , look! , listen! , lookout! Watchful! Becareful !)
أفعال لا تأخذ ing افعال الحالة العقلية
agree, differ , doubt ,forget, remember ,know,mean, Notice , recognise , suppose , think , believe , understand
افعال الحالة العاطفية
Desire, mind , hope , like ,please , prefer , want , wish ,feel , Forgive , hate , love , detest .
أفعال أخرى
Appear, belong to ,consist of , contain , cost , depend , deseive , equal , find , mater, seen , possess, care , refuse , have , dislike , own, gather , be worth .
أفعال الحواس
Feel , smell , taste , see, notice hear , observe , sense touch .
ملاحظة :- الافعال الإرادية يتم نفيها باستخدام ( dosent / dont)ثم الفعل مجرد وإذا سبق بإسم مفرد يضاف لها ( S) .
• Every story .................... ( consist of ) three flats .
• As she ................. ( trunst ) you , you must trust her too .
• I ...................... ( not / remember ) you names .
• He ................... ( not / hate ) thes people because they are vulgar .
• She ............................. (feel ) very well now .
• We ........................ ( hope ) you will visit us someday .
• I ...................... ( not wear ) my coat today .
• You ................ ( study ) English now ?
• What ............... she ................. today ?
امتحان الأزمنة
• He always ………….. ( sit ) in the place ?
• She ………….. ( not / see) any English woman since she was in Africa .
• Sonner or later , you ……………. ( have ) to see a doctor .
• He would rather I …………… ( visit ) him daily .
• When the curtain goes up again , the play ………. ( start ) .
• In another month I …………….. ( live ) her for three years .
• Sami thinks its high time his little brother ………….. ( walk ) several steps .
• While the child ……….. ( cross ) the road , he ran over by a car .
• Hala ……………………. ( have ) a bath now .
• We ………………….. ( set ) off early tomorrow morning .
• This tree ………. ( stand ) here for more than 20 years .
• He ………….. ( weight ) 70 KG nowadays .
• You ‘d better ………….. ( be ) ready now .
• Sure , we ………………. We …………… ( finish ) it .
• When we met , we ………………. ( talk ) about it .
• When I ................. ( come ) To school this morning ,it was raining .
• The earth .................... ( be ) in existence for milions of years .
• Look ,Fareed .................. a new car .
• Marya ................ ( name ) the metal before she discovered it .
• I ........................ ( see ) you downtown two weeks ago.
• He ................ ( not find ) a new jop yet .
• Our school ....................( stand ) near the post office .
• My father ..................... ( not approve ) of gambling in any form .
• We .................. ( spend ) Two weeks in Cairo next month.
• She usually ..................... ( get ) up late .
• My little brother ..................... ( play ) Chess at this moment .
• He always ...................... ( supprt ) my opinions about teaching and learning English .
• I ......................... ( not see ) Mr khateeb since November .
• Mr Nabulsi .................... ( leave ) for london two weeks ago .
• While I ...................... ( wash ) the dishes , the door bell rang .
• We ................... ( not near ) heavy clothes in summer .
• I ................... ( not see ) him yesterday .
• They ................... ( build ) a dam next month .
• Mr Khateeb ................. ( buy ) a new house recently .
• Be quiet, I ................. ( speak ) on the telephone .
• We ...................... ( wait ) at the station for two hours .
• He ................... ( fall ) asleep while he was watching the T.V .
الشكل نموذج تكوين السؤال
Wh + aux + Sub + verb + comp ?
e.g : Where did you wait from him ?
خطوات عمل السؤال
1. أداة السؤال ( Wh ) : يتم إختيار أداة السؤال حسب الشيء المراد السؤال عنه .
2. الفعل المساعد ( aux ) :
أ- إذا وجد في الجملة فعل مساعد يستخدم كما هو مثل :
( is ,am , are , was , were , have , has , had , will ,shall , ….. )
ب- إذا لم يوجد في الجملة فعل مساعد نستخدم ( do , does , did ) حسب زمن الفعل .
-1 do تستخدم مع الضمائر you / they / we مع الصريف الاول بدون " s "
-2 Does تستخدم مع الضمائر he , she , it " مع التصريف الأول مع s .
3 Did -تستخدم إذا كان الفعل تصريف ثاني .
-3 الفاعل ( Subject ) : هو الضمير أو الإسم الذي نبدأ به الجملة يستخدم كما هو الضمير لكن :
my / our > you
my /our > your
-4 الفعل ( verb ) :
أ إذا استخدم فعل مساعد فلا تغيير على زمن الفعل ز
ب إذا إستخدم ( do , does , did ) يصبح الفعل مجرد الشيء
5 -التكملة ( comp )
الشيء المراد السؤال عنه يحذف ويترك البافي كما هو
A: How ………………………………………………… ?
B: we can travel to Syria by bus .
A: What ………………………………………………….. ?
B: My father bought a new car last month .
A: Whom ………………………………………………… ?
B: I have met your friend lately.
أدوات السؤال
الأداة Wh
Where ? أين “ للمكان “ In ( cities ,countries , places )
At ( quarter , villages , places )
الأماكن القرى الاحياء
On / beside / near / above / lover / in front of / behind / next to / up to / among / between + إسم مكان
When ? متى “ للزمان ” In ( month , season , year , century ,
On ( day , date , holiday , )
In ( the ) ( present / past / future / morning / evening / afternoon )
At ( night /dawn / sunrise /…
Yesterday /now / today / at last / tomorrow / ago ….
Who ? من هو “ الفاعل العاقل “ Him , me , her , us , you , them
إسم عاقل مفعول
Whom ? من هو “ المفعول العاقل ” He / she / it / you / we / they /I
إسم عاقل في بداية الجملة
ملاحظة : يحذف الاسم العاقل الموجود في بداية الجملة ونضع بدل منه who
Who يتبعها مباشرة ( فعل + who )
Why ? لماذا “ السبب ” Because , since , as , so , that , in order that , so , as to , in order to , lest , in case , for + فعل
Whose ? لمن “ الملكية “ His / your / their / our / its /my / her + إسم / his/ yours / theirs / ours / its / mine / hers / ( whose + إسم )
ملاحظة : يتبع whose إسم مملوك
What ? ماذا وتستخدم للسؤال عن عدة أشياء
1- Thing / animals
2- Job / nationality الجنسية
3- Name / oclock
Which ? أي “ الإختيار ”
How ? كيف وتستخدم للسؤال عن عدة أشياء
1- by means of وسائط النقل
by ( taxi , bus , train , … )
on ( feet , hours back … )
2- Instrumen الأدوات
with ( fork , knife … )
3 – by + verb + ing
4- adjectives الصفات
happy , sad , streng
4- adverb manner الحال الإسوبي
quickly , well
أنواع How
1- How tall ? كم الطول العاقل
Tall الطول
2- How deep ? كم العمق Depth العمق
3- How wide ? كم العرض Width العرض
4- How far ? كم المسافة Kilometres , mile , meters
5- How high ? كم الإرتفاع Height
6- How much ? كم السعر , الكمية Little , a little , some , all , much + إسم كمية , How much + إسم غير معدود ( مفرد )
7- How many ? كم العدد Many , some , a few , few , several , all
الإسم المعدود ( جمع ) + الأرقام
How many + إسم معدود ( جمع ) …. ?
8- How often ? كم مرة وتستخدم للسؤال عن الحال التكراري
Always , often , sometimes , daily , weekly ,monthly , every ( day , week , month , year )
Once / twice / a ( day , week … )
9- How many times كم مرة وتستخدم للسؤال عن الحال التكراري
Many times , 3 times a day , daily , weekly , monthly .
10- How long ? وتستخدم للسؤال عن عدة أشياء منها
a. how long ? كم الطول وتسخدم للطول غير العاقل
b. how long ? كم يستغرق وتستخدم للسؤال عن المسافة بالزمن خصوصا مع الفعل take
c. how long ? كم المدة وتستخدم للسؤال عن المدة الزمنية خصوصا مع since / for
11- How speed ? كم السرعة Speed ( per – hour / per – minute )
12- How size ? كم ا لحجم Size الحجم
13- How well ? كيف الصحة Fine , good , bad
تمارين عامة على الإستفهام Wh. Question
1- How ………….. does it take you to Aqaba ? 2 hours
a. far b. much c. many d. long
2- How ………………… have you been here ? for 2 hours
a. much b. long c. far d. often
3- How …………… do you go to the mosque ? Daily
a. long b. much c. often d. many
4- How …………… is it to Irbid ? 80 Kms
a. long b . much c. far d. many
5- How ………………….. times do you see him ? once a day
a. much b. many c. long d. often
6- How ………………………. Boys can you see ? a few
a. much b. many c. long d. often
7- …………….. house is over there ? Its mine
a. who b. whos c. whose d. whom
8- ………………………. Spoiled all all these picture ? Sami
a. who b. whose c. whom d. whos
9- ………………….. did you phone 2 hours ago ? Sami
a. who b. whose c. whom d. whos
10 - ………………….. knocking at the door ? Sami
a. whos b. who c. whom d. whose
الجمل الشرطية
شكل الجملة الشرطية تنقسم الجمل الشرطية إلى قسمين هما :
1- سؤال الشرط ( IF – Cluase )
2- جواب الشرط ( Main clause )
نموذج تكوين الجملة الشرطية :
If clause
Main clause
If + فاعل + فعل + تكملة فاعل + فعل ناقص + فعل + تكملة .
E.G : If it rains heavily , we will dress coat .
ويجوز أن نبدأ الجملة ب جواب الشرط فتصبح :
We will dress coat if it rains heavily .
حالات الجملة الشرطية للجمل الشرطية ثلاث حالات :
Type الحالة
If –cluase Main clause جواب الشرط
( Type 1 ) حالة أولى الفعل تصريف أول Will / shall + base
( Type 2 ) حالة ثانية الفعل تصريف ثاني Would / should + base
( Type 3 ) حالة ثالثة Had + P.P Would /should + have + P.P
Advise النصيحة If I were you I woluld + base + تكملة
ملاحظة : ( were ) في جملة النصيحة تستخدم في جميع الحالات و الضمائر .
بدائل IF 1- ( when )
- If ( uncertain عدم تأكيد )
- When ( certain تأكيد )
a. If he has money , he will lend me .
b. When he has money , he will lend me .
Which one is uncertain about lending money ?
2- Provide / providing / providing + that ( يشترط أن )
نفس المعنى و الاستخدام من If
e.g: Providing that you tell truch , you wont go .
3- ( Were )
يجوز حذف if في جملة النصيحة و إستخدام ( were ) بدل عنها .
If I were you , I would go to doctor .
Were I you , I would go to doctor .
4- Had
يجوز حذف ( if ) في الحالة الثالثة وإستخدام ( had ) بدل عنها .
If I had been ill , I would have gone to doctor .
5- Unless
وتستخدم بدل ( if not ) وذلك حسب قواعد التحليل التالية :
If ( not )
If + dont + base Unless + base
If + dosent + base Unless + base ( s)
If + dont have Unless have
If + dosent have Unless has
If + isnt Unless is
If + arent Unless are
If + didnt + تصريف أول Unless + تصريف ثاني
If + didnt + have Unless + had
تمارين عامة Q1:Re- write the following
• If you have nothing to do , life be boring .
Unless ………………………………………………….
• Unless you a pologize , at once , I never speak to you .
If ………………………………………………………….
• If you didnt find him , will you phone me ?
Unless …………………………………………………………..
• She wouldnt work so hard unless it were necessary .
If it ………………………………………………………………..
• There isnt much you can did if he dosent answer you
Unless ……………………………………………………………….
• You couldn't travel abroat if you didn't have a pssporte
Unless .................................................. ..............................
• I wouldn't eat unless I feel extremely hungry .
IF .................................................. ........................................
• If he dosen't listen carefully , he may miss the point
Unless .................................................. ...............................
• You can't go in unless you've got a ticket .
IF .................................................. ..........................................
• He wouldn't get there unless he tooke a taxi .
If .................................................. ...........................................
• I'll call the police if you don't go away .
Unless .................................................. .................................
Q2 :Correct in the barket
• If I ………………….. ( see ) apoor man , Id help him .
• Ill make some coffee if you ……………. ( bring ) me suger .
• If I ………………….. ( be ) rich would you marry me ?
• I …………………….. ( accept ) this fob if I were you .
• The man ……………………. ( work ) hander if he is better treated .
• He will get gat if he ………………. ( eat ) all this food .
• If you ………… ( have ) a mollion pounds what would you do ?
• Were I you , I ……………………………….. ( be ) happy ?
• What will he say if he …………… ( hear ) of the mother ?
• When he ……………………… ( come ) please , tell me .
• If I ………………( know ) of your illness Id have come to see you .
• Your boy …………. ( pass ) his exam if he had worked more carefully .
• Had you hit the boxer , he …………… ( hit ) you much harder .
• If I …………… ( be ) in your place , I would have said nothing .
Q3 : choose the correct answer
• If he .................... absent tomorrow . class will be cancelled .
a. is b.was c. were
• If I ................. you I'd accept it .
a.had been b.was c.were
• If the weather were nice . we ................... swimming .
a.wiil go b.would go c.would have gon.
• If he .................. my bills , I would get in a lot of trubles.
a. don't poay b. didn't have c.hadn't have .
• If ihad my camera, I .................................. a picture .
a.will take b.would take c. would have taken.
• An aerosol spray will explode if you .................... it into fire .
a.throw b. threw c. had thrown
• The couple would live in a village if they ............ enough money to hire a suitable house in the city .
a . don't have b. didn't have c. hadn'd had
• More tourists ................. to this town if it had a better climate .
a. will come b. would come c.would have come .
الأفعال الشاذه
التصريف الأول
arise arose arisen ظهر
be was been يكون
beat beat beat يضرب , يهزم
Become became become يصبح
begin began begun يبدأ
bend bent bent ينحني
bite bit bit يعض
bleed bled bled ينزف
blow blew blown يهب
break broke broken يكسر
bring brought brought يحضر
build built built يبني
burn burnt burnt يحرق
burst burst burst ينفجر
buy bought bought يشتري
catch caught caught يمسك
choose chose chosen يختار
come came come يأتي
cost cost cost يكلف
cut cut cut يقطع
deal deal dealt يتعامل
dig dug dug يحفر
do did done يفعل
draw drew drawn يرسم
drive drove driven يقود
eat ate eaten يأكل
fall fell fallen يقع
feed fed fed يغذي
fight fought fought يقاتل
find found found يجد
fly flew flown يطير
forget forgot forgotten ينسى
forgive forgave forgiven يسامح
freeze froze frozen يتجمد
get got gotten يحصل
give gave given يعطي
go went gone يذهب
grow grew grown ينمو
have had had يملك
hear heard heard يسمع
hide hid hidden يخفي
hurt hurt hurt يؤذي
keep kept kept يحافظ
know knew known يعرف
leave left left يغادر
lend lent lent يقرض
make made made يصنع
meet met met يقابل
pay paid paid يدفع
ring rang rung يرن
rise rose risen يرتفع
run ran run يركض
say said said يقول
see saw seen يرى
sell sold sold يبيع
send sent sent يرسل
set set set يضع
sing sang sung يغني
sit sat sat يجلس
sleep slept slept ينام
smell smelt smelt يشم
speak spoke spoken يتكلم
spend spent spent يقضي
spread spread spead ينشر
stand stood stood يفق
sweep swept swept يكنس
swim swam swum يسبح
take tooke taken يأخذ
teach taught taught يعلم
tear tore torn يمزق
tell told told يخبر
think thought thought يعتقد
throw threw thrown يرمي
understand understood understood يفهم
wake woke woken يستيقظ
wear wore worn يرتدي
weep wept wept يبكي
win won won يفوز
write wrote written يكت
مع حبي الدلوعة ماريا
الماضى البسيط
يأتي الفعل الماضي على عدة أشكال
1- الماضي المنتظم " الشكل الأول : الفعل وهو إضافة ( d,ed ) عند تحويله إلى الماضي
store stored
2- الفعل الماضي الثابت : عدم الفعل عند تحوله إلى الماضي
cut cut
3- الفعل الماضي الشاذ : وهو تغير شكل الفعل عند تحوله إلى ماضي وهذه الأفعال تحفظ غيبا
eat ate
للتعبير عن حدث وقع في الماضي ضمن فترة زمنية محددة مثل :
“ ago , yesterday , for ages , last( week , month , day , … ) , that ( day , time week, … ) ,its ( time , 2hours , several days … )
• I sent ( send ) a letler to my friend last week .
• We had ( have ) abike many years ago .
النفي يتم نفي التصريف الثاني وذلك باستخدام ( مجرد + didnt )
• Had didnt have
• Broke didnt broke
• Saw didnt see
السؤال a. Why questions
W.h + did + subject + verb (base) + object + comp?
• What did John eat last evening ?
• Where did Ahmad leave last night ?
b.Yes , no questions
Did + subject + verb ( base ) +object + comp ?
• Did Ahmad watch television yesterday ?
• Did Laila play basketball yesterday ?
• Who .............. ( smell ) burning food 2 minutes ago ?
• You .................. ( sing ) well in the party last night .
• She ................... ( not/ knew ) my name frow the newspaper
• that day .
• It's time we ............... ( close ) the shop .
• Suppose the teacher ................. ( catch ) us in his room .
• She wishes she ....................... ( know) the answer .
• I'd rather you ............... ( not/talk) so much .
• I .............. ( sea ) friend yesterday .
• She ....................... ( study ) English two house ago .
• Three days ago we ....................... ( visit ) Babylon .
• John .................. ( play ) football last sunday .
• Last winter he .................... ( be ) in London .
• Ahmad and Zaki ................. ( be ) ill yesterday .
• Yesterday I ..................... ( not be ) at home .
• Last spring they ................. ( not to be ) in london
• ................... you ................. him last week ?
• Why he ................. ( be ) late yesterday ?
الماضي المستمر
She / He / It /I + was + verb + ing
We / They / You + were + verb + ing
الإستخدام للتعبير عن فعل كان مستمرا لفترة معينة في الماضي وانتهى في الماضي
• We were reading all day yesterday .
للنعبير عن الفاعل في الماضي وحدوث فعل اخر اكثر أهمية
• While she was sleeping , the door bell rang .
دلائل الماضي
“ while , when , as , all ( day , time , …. ) yesterday , last yesterday (in the hours)
1- while + was /were + verb + ing/simple past “ while I was working , my father came “
2- As + was/were + verb +ing/ simple past “ As I was having breakfast , the man knocked at the door”
3- When + simple past / was,were + verb + ing “ When he left us ,it was raining heavily.
• Were you talking ? No . Sir , we ............................ ( write ) our homework .
• As the child ................. ( walk) near the hole , he fell in in it .
• We .................. ( have ) tea while our children were playing on the grass .
• We said that we ....................... ( go ) as far as you were .
• When I ...................... ( work ) , they ......... ( play )
• We................. ( see ) him when he .............. ( swim ) .
• While we ............... ( read) the litter , the bell ............. ( rang ) .
• They .................. ( meet ) her as she ....................... ( walk ) along road .
• While I ..................... ( come ) her , I .................. ( meet ) john and ............. ( speak ) to him .
المستقبل التام
Will + have + P.P التصريف الثالث
الإستخدام للتعبير عن حدث نتوقع انتهائه في المستقبل او نفترض انه قد انتهى ساعة الكلام ويستخم مع الدلاله الزمنيه.
By + ( الزمن )
By tomorrow , by 2020 , by next week
By the end of tomorrow .
• By the end of this I …………….. ( finish ) my course .
• By 2002 my father ………. ( buy ) my farm .
• I ……………… ( shall / do ) my work while he is away .
• By the new year we …………… ( learn ) more new words .
المضارع البسيط
He / she / It / base ( S/ES)
I / you / we / they + base
الإستخدام العادات التكرارية وهي الأعمال التي نقوم بها بصورة دائمة ومنتظمة وتحوي دلالات ظرفية زمنية مثل :
• Every(day,week,month,year,morning ….)
• Always,often,sometimes,generally,hourly…)
• Daily,weekly,mounthly,yearly,hlurly…)
• Once a ( day,week,mounth,…)
• Twice a (day,week,mounth,…)
• Three times a (day,week,mounth,…)
• We always spend our holidays away from home.
• Taha prays at a neighboring mosque daily .
الحقائق ( general facts حقائق عامة / الحقائق العلمية scientific facts )
القوانين , النظريات , الظواهر , حقائق عامة ....
1- We eat to live .
2- the earth goes round
مع الأفعال اللاإرادية : ومعظم هذا الأفعال من ( افعال الحواس , العاطفة , الاراء ) وجميعها لا بخضع لسيطرة الانسان وتأتي بصيغة التصريف الاول بدل ing مع أفعال الكون
hear hear Love Hate
Remmber Notice Feel Taste Forgive
Know Suppose Want Wish Care
Blieve Forget Recognize Refuse Accept
Seem Mean Mean Smell Possess
1- I Hate these people ; they often talk nonsense .
2- I forget the name of my English teacher .
في الجمل التعجبية ملاحظة : يجب أن يكون الفعل في التعجب تصريف أول مع ( S)
1- There comes our train !
2- Here goes my story !
ملاحظات هامة جدا إذا كان الفعل " مضارع بسيط " وبدأت الجملة ب ( it, she , he اسم مفرد ) علينا في هذه الحالة أن نضيف ( S) أو ( ES) للفعل حسب القواعد التالية :
أ- الفعل المنتهي بالأحرف التالية نضيف له ( ES)
• O, X, CH,SH, Z + ES
النفي يتم نفي التصريف الأول " SILMPLE PRESENT " وذلك باستخدام :
( DOSENT /DONT ) ثم فعل BASE
He/she/It + dosent + base
I / we / you / They + dont + base
wh + do/does + I,you,we,they ,he,she,it + verb ( base ) + object + comp ?
• When do the boys leave school ?
• When does ahmad live ?
b.Yes , no questions
Do/does + I,we , they , you ,he , she, it + verb ( base) + object + comp ?
• Do the men work hard ?
• Does it rain every winter in Jordan ?
• Nowadays This book ................... ( not/cost) JD5 .
• There ....................... ( go ) now .
• She daily ............... ( do ) her duty .
• Jordan River ..................... ( flow ) into the Dead Sea .
• He ................... ( not /think) that everything is easy .
• Stare .................. ( shine ) at night .
• A dog ................ ( be ) an animal .
• Every body .................... ( have ) one mouth .
• Zeki ................. ( play ) football every day .
• John ................ ( fly ) to London once a year .
• Laila always .................... ( wash ) the dishes carefully .
• A camel ...................... ( not eat) meat .
• What you ............... ( do ) every summer ?
المضارع التام المستمر
I/you / we /they + have +been +ing
She /He/It + has +been+ +ing
All time this ( morning ,evening ….)
All ( time , day, my life ….. )
( privately ) , since , for .
قواعد since , for ملاحظة : since /for لها قاعدتين
1- مع الأفعال التي لا تأخذ " ING "
For/since : have ,has +v3
2- مع باقي الأ فعال
For/since : Have ,has + been +ING
ملاحظة :
1- FOR يتبعها كمية من الزمن مثل : ( 2 years , along time , an houre , days….)
3- SINCE ينبعها إسم الزمن مثل : ( Sunday , June , 6 Oclock , 1990 )
• For 2 houre I ................. ( wait ) for him .
• Since morning she ................. ( be ) There .
• All time we ................... ( prepare ) for the match .
• We ........................ ( work ) here since morning .
الماضي التام
Had + P.P
الإستخدام للتعبير عن فعلين منفصلين يحدثان في الزمن الماضي و أحدهما حدث قبل الاخر .
الفعل الذي حدث أولا يسمى الفعل الماضي التام ( Had + P.P )
الفعل الذي حدث ثانيا يسمى الفعل الماضي البسيط ( التصريف الثاني )
ونفصل بين الفعلين ب ( If ,when , After , when ) حسب القواعد التالية :
Before + simple past / Had + P.P “ Before I went to School , I Had eaten breakfast “
After + had + P.P / simple past “ After I had eaten breakfast , I went to School”
• The firemen .................... ( arrive ) after the fire ................ ( go ) out .
• They ............. ( finish ) their work before they ................. ( take ) a rest .
• I wish I ............. ( not/ meet ) you before .
• If only you ............... ( not / say ) such foolish things.
• Maha was more exciting than we .................. (thing).
• After I ................... ( see ) her , I ........... ( returne) back home .
Will , shall + base
Is / am / are + going to + base
المستقبل البسيط
“ Tomorrow , tonight , later , soon , in the future , this evening ,next ( week , time , day , … ) After ( 2houre , Sunday . 3 days … ) , At ( 7oclock , night , half past seven … ) afew ( houre , days ,…. ) on ( Sunday , Monday , the summer holiday ) ”
• all the working will stop at five oclock .
• Im going to marry Laila this summer .
الإستخدام للتعبير عن حدث سيقع في المستقبل كذلك تستخدم مع sure , centainly وبعد that مع الأفعال التالية :
Believe , thing , expect , know .
ويمكن أن يستخدم للتعبير عن أ الوعد ب التصميم الأكيد ج الرغبة د النية والقصد ه التهديد
Wh + will + subject + verb ( base ) + object + comp ?
• When will Ahmed buy his new car ?
• will Laila leave her job next week ?
• They ………… ( do ) their duties very soon .
• This car …………. ( coast ) a lot of many next year .
• Sure I ……………. ( have ) apicnic .
• This evening we …………… ( eat ) a good dinner .
• Our team ………….. ( win ) the match this season .
• I ................ ( visit ) him tomorrow .
• Next week she ....................... ( have ) a new watch .
• Ahmad ................. ( be ) in London next summer .
• Tomorrow it ...................... ( not be ) cold .
• We ....................... ( not travel ) next week .
• I ...................... ( see ) you in Jordan next month .
• Laila ................... ( be ) absent tomorrow ?
• What Zaki ................... ( do ) next week ?
• When we ...................... ( have ) our next holiday ?
• You ...................... ( not meet ) her next Tuesday ?
المستقبل المستمر
( Will + be + ing )
will be playing
للتعبيبر عن خطة عمل سنقوم بها في المستقبل أو حدث نتوقع انه سيكون مستمرا في المسبقبل ويستخدم مع الدلاله الظرفية الزمنية التالية :
By the time this ( year , week , mounth , … )
Next year at the same time .
• By the time school end we ………….. ( wait ) for the results .
• During the spring holidays our class ……………. ( visit ) some of the historic places.
• At the same tomorrow we …………… ( sit ) for the first exame .
المضارع التام
• I, We,They/ + have + P.P
• He,she,It / + has + P.P
دلالات المضارع التام يستخدم للتعبير عن فعل بدأ في الماضي وإنتهى الان . ويستخدم مع الدلالات الظرفية التالية :
( already, just , at last , so , far , for , since , never , ever , recently , up till now , yet lately )
• She has driven her for over five years .
• He has started to learn English since Ramadan .
النفي والسؤال ملاحظة ( Yet , ever ) تستخدم مع السؤال و النفي :
• Father hasnt come in Yet .
• Have you ever been to Petra ?
• Have you written your homework , Yet ?
ملاحظة : - ( إذا جائت الدلالات الظرفية في وسط الجملة فأنها تقع بين ( have , has ) والفعل حسب الجدول التالي :-
Has / Have+ already / just/Never + P.P
• Ammar has already eaten his lunch .
• Mother has almost finished
• cleaning the house .
الإستعمال نستنتج أن الفعل المضارع التام يستخدم للتعبير عن الحالات التالية :-
1. فعل إنتهى الان
• I have Just finished
2. بدأ في الماضي ولازال مستمر
• He has driven for five years
3. فعل جرى في الماضي وانتهى في الماضي ولكني افكر في نتيجته الان
• We have painted the door .
• It ..................... not/rain ) since yeasterday .
• Dalal ….........… ( just / finish ) her breakfast,yet.
• ................ You ............ ( ever/be ) to London?
• He ................... ( almost/ score ) abriliant goal.
• I just ................................... ( eat ) an orange .
• We just ......................... ( to post ) the letter s .
• She just .................................. ( drink ) the milk.
• Tom already ........................................( come ).
• John ........................................... ( come ) yet .
• Just .................... ( wash ) my hands .
• She …………….. ( to eat ) her breakfast already .
• John ........................ ( be ) ill since Sunday .
• I ...................... ( not see ) him yet .
• The lesson just ....................... ( begin ) .
• They ............................ ( work ) in this bank since April .
• He ............................ ( to work ) in this bank for four month.
المضارع المستمر
He/ She/ It + Is + verb+ing
I + am + verb + ing
We/ You / They + are + verb + ing
1. حدث يجري أثناء الكلام ( أي أن )
The men are working on the field now .
2. يعطي معنى المستقبل شريطة وجود دلالة مستقبل مثل :
( tomorrow , tonight , next , time )
They are wrking on the field next week .
3. لتعبير عن الغضب مع ( always) أو مع التعابير التالية
Continually, constantly, for ever
• She is continually asking for new clothes .
• You are always shouting at me constantly .
• They are for ever destroying toys .
• They are for ever destroying toys .
دلائل المضارع المستمر ملاحظة : التعابير التالية تستخدم مع الفعل المضارع المستمر :
• ( now, still, at, moment, at the present , in this hours , in this day , look! , listen! , lookout! Watchful! Becareful !)
أفعال لا تأخذ ing افعال الحالة العقلية
agree, differ , doubt ,forget, remember ,know,mean, Notice , recognise , suppose , think , believe , understand
افعال الحالة العاطفية
Desire, mind , hope , like ,please , prefer , want , wish ,feel , Forgive , hate , love , detest .
أفعال أخرى
Appear, belong to ,consist of , contain , cost , depend , deseive , equal , find , mater, seen , possess, care , refuse , have , dislike , own, gather , be worth .
أفعال الحواس
Feel , smell , taste , see, notice hear , observe , sense touch .
ملاحظة :- الافعال الإرادية يتم نفيها باستخدام ( dosent / dont)ثم الفعل مجرد وإذا سبق بإسم مفرد يضاف لها ( S) .
• Every story .................... ( consist of ) three flats .
• As she ................. ( trunst ) you , you must trust her too .
• I ...................... ( not / remember ) you names .
• He ................... ( not / hate ) thes people because they are vulgar .
• She ............................. (feel ) very well now .
• We ........................ ( hope ) you will visit us someday .
• I ...................... ( not wear ) my coat today .
• You ................ ( study ) English now ?
• What ............... she ................. today ?
امتحان الأزمنة
• He always ………….. ( sit ) in the place ?
• She ………….. ( not / see) any English woman since she was in Africa .
• Sonner or later , you ……………. ( have ) to see a doctor .
• He would rather I …………… ( visit ) him daily .
• When the curtain goes up again , the play ………. ( start ) .
• In another month I …………….. ( live ) her for three years .
• Sami thinks its high time his little brother ………….. ( walk ) several steps .
• While the child ……….. ( cross ) the road , he ran over by a car .
• Hala ……………………. ( have ) a bath now .
• We ………………….. ( set ) off early tomorrow morning .
• This tree ………. ( stand ) here for more than 20 years .
• He ………….. ( weight ) 70 KG nowadays .
• You ‘d better ………….. ( be ) ready now .
• Sure , we ………………. We …………… ( finish ) it .
• When we met , we ………………. ( talk ) about it .
• When I ................. ( come ) To school this morning ,it was raining .
• The earth .................... ( be ) in existence for milions of years .
• Look ,Fareed .................. a new car .
• Marya ................ ( name ) the metal before she discovered it .
• I ........................ ( see ) you downtown two weeks ago.
• He ................ ( not find ) a new jop yet .
• Our school ....................( stand ) near the post office .
• My father ..................... ( not approve ) of gambling in any form .
• We .................. ( spend ) Two weeks in Cairo next month.
• She usually ..................... ( get ) up late .
• My little brother ..................... ( play ) Chess at this moment .
• He always ...................... ( supprt ) my opinions about teaching and learning English .
• I ......................... ( not see ) Mr khateeb since November .
• Mr Nabulsi .................... ( leave ) for london two weeks ago .
• While I ...................... ( wash ) the dishes , the door bell rang .
• We ................... ( not near ) heavy clothes in summer .
• I ................... ( not see ) him yesterday .
• They ................... ( build ) a dam next month .
• Mr Khateeb ................. ( buy ) a new house recently .
• Be quiet, I ................. ( speak ) on the telephone .
• We ...................... ( wait ) at the station for two hours .
• He ................... ( fall ) asleep while he was watching the T.V .
الشكل نموذج تكوين السؤال
Wh + aux + Sub + verb + comp ?
e.g : Where did you wait from him ?
خطوات عمل السؤال
1. أداة السؤال ( Wh ) : يتم إختيار أداة السؤال حسب الشيء المراد السؤال عنه .
2. الفعل المساعد ( aux ) :
أ- إذا وجد في الجملة فعل مساعد يستخدم كما هو مثل :
( is ,am , are , was , were , have , has , had , will ,shall , ….. )
ب- إذا لم يوجد في الجملة فعل مساعد نستخدم ( do , does , did ) حسب زمن الفعل .
-1 do تستخدم مع الضمائر you / they / we مع الصريف الاول بدون " s "
-2 Does تستخدم مع الضمائر he , she , it " مع التصريف الأول مع s .
3 Did -تستخدم إذا كان الفعل تصريف ثاني .
-3 الفاعل ( Subject ) : هو الضمير أو الإسم الذي نبدأ به الجملة يستخدم كما هو الضمير لكن :
my / our > you
my /our > your
-4 الفعل ( verb ) :
أ إذا استخدم فعل مساعد فلا تغيير على زمن الفعل ز
ب إذا إستخدم ( do , does , did ) يصبح الفعل مجرد الشيء
5 -التكملة ( comp )
الشيء المراد السؤال عنه يحذف ويترك البافي كما هو
A: How ………………………………………………… ?
B: we can travel to Syria by bus .
A: What ………………………………………………….. ?
B: My father bought a new car last month .
A: Whom ………………………………………………… ?
B: I have met your friend lately.
أدوات السؤال
الأداة Wh
Where ? أين “ للمكان “ In ( cities ,countries , places )
At ( quarter , villages , places )
الأماكن القرى الاحياء
On / beside / near / above / lover / in front of / behind / next to / up to / among / between + إسم مكان
When ? متى “ للزمان ” In ( month , season , year , century ,
On ( day , date , holiday , )
In ( the ) ( present / past / future / morning / evening / afternoon )
At ( night /dawn / sunrise /…
Yesterday /now / today / at last / tomorrow / ago ….
Who ? من هو “ الفاعل العاقل “ Him , me , her , us , you , them
إسم عاقل مفعول
Whom ? من هو “ المفعول العاقل ” He / she / it / you / we / they /I
إسم عاقل في بداية الجملة
ملاحظة : يحذف الاسم العاقل الموجود في بداية الجملة ونضع بدل منه who
Who يتبعها مباشرة ( فعل + who )
Why ? لماذا “ السبب ” Because , since , as , so , that , in order that , so , as to , in order to , lest , in case , for + فعل
Whose ? لمن “ الملكية “ His / your / their / our / its /my / her + إسم / his/ yours / theirs / ours / its / mine / hers / ( whose + إسم )
ملاحظة : يتبع whose إسم مملوك
What ? ماذا وتستخدم للسؤال عن عدة أشياء
1- Thing / animals
2- Job / nationality الجنسية
3- Name / oclock
Which ? أي “ الإختيار ”
How ? كيف وتستخدم للسؤال عن عدة أشياء
1- by means of وسائط النقل
by ( taxi , bus , train , … )
on ( feet , hours back … )
2- Instrumen الأدوات
with ( fork , knife … )
3 – by + verb + ing
4- adjectives الصفات
happy , sad , streng
4- adverb manner الحال الإسوبي
quickly , well
أنواع How
1- How tall ? كم الطول العاقل
Tall الطول
2- How deep ? كم العمق Depth العمق
3- How wide ? كم العرض Width العرض
4- How far ? كم المسافة Kilometres , mile , meters
5- How high ? كم الإرتفاع Height
6- How much ? كم السعر , الكمية Little , a little , some , all , much + إسم كمية , How much + إسم غير معدود ( مفرد )
7- How many ? كم العدد Many , some , a few , few , several , all
الإسم المعدود ( جمع ) + الأرقام
How many + إسم معدود ( جمع ) …. ?
8- How often ? كم مرة وتستخدم للسؤال عن الحال التكراري
Always , often , sometimes , daily , weekly ,monthly , every ( day , week , month , year )
Once / twice / a ( day , week … )
9- How many times كم مرة وتستخدم للسؤال عن الحال التكراري
Many times , 3 times a day , daily , weekly , monthly .
10- How long ? وتستخدم للسؤال عن عدة أشياء منها
a. how long ? كم الطول وتسخدم للطول غير العاقل
b. how long ? كم يستغرق وتستخدم للسؤال عن المسافة بالزمن خصوصا مع الفعل take
c. how long ? كم المدة وتستخدم للسؤال عن المدة الزمنية خصوصا مع since / for
11- How speed ? كم السرعة Speed ( per – hour / per – minute )
12- How size ? كم ا لحجم Size الحجم
13- How well ? كيف الصحة Fine , good , bad
تمارين عامة على الإستفهام Wh. Question
1- How ………….. does it take you to Aqaba ? 2 hours
a. far b. much c. many d. long
2- How ………………… have you been here ? for 2 hours
a. much b. long c. far d. often
3- How …………… do you go to the mosque ? Daily
a. long b. much c. often d. many
4- How …………… is it to Irbid ? 80 Kms
a. long b . much c. far d. many
5- How ………………….. times do you see him ? once a day
a. much b. many c. long d. often
6- How ………………………. Boys can you see ? a few
a. much b. many c. long d. often
7- …………….. house is over there ? Its mine
a. who b. whos c. whose d. whom
8- ………………………. Spoiled all all these picture ? Sami
a. who b. whose c. whom d. whos
9- ………………….. did you phone 2 hours ago ? Sami
a. who b. whose c. whom d. whos
10 - ………………….. knocking at the door ? Sami
a. whos b. who c. whom d. whose
الجمل الشرطية
شكل الجملة الشرطية تنقسم الجمل الشرطية إلى قسمين هما :
1- سؤال الشرط ( IF – Cluase )
2- جواب الشرط ( Main clause )
نموذج تكوين الجملة الشرطية :
If clause
Main clause
If + فاعل + فعل + تكملة فاعل + فعل ناقص + فعل + تكملة .
E.G : If it rains heavily , we will dress coat .
ويجوز أن نبدأ الجملة ب جواب الشرط فتصبح :
We will dress coat if it rains heavily .
حالات الجملة الشرطية للجمل الشرطية ثلاث حالات :
Type الحالة
If –cluase Main clause جواب الشرط
( Type 1 ) حالة أولى الفعل تصريف أول Will / shall + base
( Type 2 ) حالة ثانية الفعل تصريف ثاني Would / should + base
( Type 3 ) حالة ثالثة Had + P.P Would /should + have + P.P
Advise النصيحة If I were you I woluld + base + تكملة
ملاحظة : ( were ) في جملة النصيحة تستخدم في جميع الحالات و الضمائر .
بدائل IF 1- ( when )
- If ( uncertain عدم تأكيد )
- When ( certain تأكيد )
a. If he has money , he will lend me .
b. When he has money , he will lend me .
Which one is uncertain about lending money ?
2- Provide / providing / providing + that ( يشترط أن )
نفس المعنى و الاستخدام من If
e.g: Providing that you tell truch , you wont go .
3- ( Were )
يجوز حذف if في جملة النصيحة و إستخدام ( were ) بدل عنها .
If I were you , I would go to doctor .
Were I you , I would go to doctor .
4- Had
يجوز حذف ( if ) في الحالة الثالثة وإستخدام ( had ) بدل عنها .
If I had been ill , I would have gone to doctor .
5- Unless
وتستخدم بدل ( if not ) وذلك حسب قواعد التحليل التالية :
If ( not )
If + dont + base Unless + base
If + dosent + base Unless + base ( s)
If + dont have Unless have
If + dosent have Unless has
If + isnt Unless is
If + arent Unless are
If + didnt + تصريف أول Unless + تصريف ثاني
If + didnt + have Unless + had
تمارين عامة Q1:Re- write the following
• If you have nothing to do , life be boring .
Unless ………………………………………………….
• Unless you a pologize , at once , I never speak to you .
If ………………………………………………………….
• If you didnt find him , will you phone me ?
Unless …………………………………………………………..
• She wouldnt work so hard unless it were necessary .
If it ………………………………………………………………..
• There isnt much you can did if he dosent answer you
Unless ……………………………………………………………….
• You couldn't travel abroat if you didn't have a pssporte
Unless .................................................. ..............................
• I wouldn't eat unless I feel extremely hungry .
IF .................................................. ........................................
• If he dosen't listen carefully , he may miss the point
Unless .................................................. ...............................
• You can't go in unless you've got a ticket .
IF .................................................. ..........................................
• He wouldn't get there unless he tooke a taxi .
If .................................................. ...........................................
• I'll call the police if you don't go away .
Unless .................................................. .................................
Q2 :Correct in the barket
• If I ………………….. ( see ) apoor man , Id help him .
• Ill make some coffee if you ……………. ( bring ) me suger .
• If I ………………….. ( be ) rich would you marry me ?
• I …………………….. ( accept ) this fob if I were you .
• The man ……………………. ( work ) hander if he is better treated .
• He will get gat if he ………………. ( eat ) all this food .
• If you ………… ( have ) a mollion pounds what would you do ?
• Were I you , I ……………………………….. ( be ) happy ?
• What will he say if he …………… ( hear ) of the mother ?
• When he ……………………… ( come ) please , tell me .
• If I ………………( know ) of your illness Id have come to see you .
• Your boy …………. ( pass ) his exam if he had worked more carefully .
• Had you hit the boxer , he …………… ( hit ) you much harder .
• If I …………… ( be ) in your place , I would have said nothing .
Q3 : choose the correct answer
• If he .................... absent tomorrow . class will be cancelled .
a. is b.was c. were
• If I ................. you I'd accept it .
a.had been b.was c.were
• If the weather were nice . we ................... swimming .
a.wiil go b.would go c.would have gon.
• If he .................. my bills , I would get in a lot of trubles.
a. don't poay b. didn't have c.hadn't have .
• If ihad my camera, I .................................. a picture .
a.will take b.would take c. would have taken.
• An aerosol spray will explode if you .................... it into fire .
a.throw b. threw c. had thrown
• The couple would live in a village if they ............ enough money to hire a suitable house in the city .
a . don't have b. didn't have c. hadn'd had
• More tourists ................. to this town if it had a better climate .
a. will come b. would come c.would have come .
الأفعال الشاذه
التصريف الأول
arise arose arisen ظهر
be was been يكون
beat beat beat يضرب , يهزم
Become became become يصبح
begin began begun يبدأ
bend bent bent ينحني
bite bit bit يعض
bleed bled bled ينزف
blow blew blown يهب
break broke broken يكسر
bring brought brought يحضر
build built built يبني
burn burnt burnt يحرق
burst burst burst ينفجر
buy bought bought يشتري
catch caught caught يمسك
choose chose chosen يختار
come came come يأتي
cost cost cost يكلف
cut cut cut يقطع
deal deal dealt يتعامل
dig dug dug يحفر
do did done يفعل
draw drew drawn يرسم
drive drove driven يقود
eat ate eaten يأكل
fall fell fallen يقع
feed fed fed يغذي
fight fought fought يقاتل
find found found يجد
fly flew flown يطير
forget forgot forgotten ينسى
forgive forgave forgiven يسامح
freeze froze frozen يتجمد
get got gotten يحصل
give gave given يعطي
go went gone يذهب
grow grew grown ينمو
have had had يملك
hear heard heard يسمع
hide hid hidden يخفي
hurt hurt hurt يؤذي
keep kept kept يحافظ
know knew known يعرف
leave left left يغادر
lend lent lent يقرض
make made made يصنع
meet met met يقابل
pay paid paid يدفع
ring rang rung يرن
rise rose risen يرتفع
run ran run يركض
say said said يقول
see saw seen يرى
sell sold sold يبيع
send sent sent يرسل
set set set يضع
sing sang sung يغني
sit sat sat يجلس
sleep slept slept ينام
smell smelt smelt يشم
speak spoke spoken يتكلم
spend spent spent يقضي
spread spread spead ينشر
stand stood stood يفق
sweep swept swept يكنس
swim swam swum يسبح
take tooke taken يأخذ
teach taught taught يعلم
tear tore torn يمزق
tell told told يخبر
think thought thought يعتقد
throw threw thrown يرمي
understand understood understood يفهم
wake woke woken يستيقظ
wear wore worn يرتدي
weep wept wept يبكي
win won won يفوز
write wrote written يكت
مع حبي الدلوعة ماريا
