لفقرة وجدتها بموسوعة The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle التاريخية .. والتي تحكي تاريخ بريطانيا منذ ميلاد المسيح عليه السلام الى عام 1954 ... وفي هذه السنة بالذات 685 ميلادية أمطرت السماء دما كما تذكر الموسوعة .. وقد عادلت التاريخ الميلادي بالهجري فوجدتها سنة 61 للهجرة .. نفس السنة التي قتل فيها الإمام الحسين !!!!
يالها من معجزة !!
واليكم الفقرة :
A.D. 685 This year King Everth commanded Cuthbert to be
consecrated a bishop; and Archbishop Theodore, on the first day
of Easter, consecrated him at York Bishop of Hexham; for Trumbert
had been deprived of that see. The same year Everth was slain by
the north sea, and a large army with him, on the thirteenth day
before the calends of June. He continued king fifteen winters;
and his brother Elfrith succeeded him in the government. Everth
was the son of Oswy. Oswy of Ethelferth, Ethelferth of Ethelric,
Ethelric of Ida, Ida of Eoppa. About this time Ceadwall began to
struggle for a kingdom. Ceadwall was the son of Kenbert, Kenbert
of Chad, Chad of Cutha, Cutha of Ceawlin, Ceawlin of Cynric,
Cynric of Cerdic. Mull, who was afterwards consigned to the
flames in Kent, was the brother of Ceadwall. The same year died
Lothhere, King of Kent; and John was consecrated Bishop of
Hexham, where he remained till Wilferth was restored, when John
was translated to York on the death of Bishop Bosa. Wilferth his
priest was afterwards consecrated Bishop of York, and John
retired to his monastery (21) in the woods of Delta. This year
there was in Britain a bloody rain, and milk and butter were
turned to blood.
المصدر : http://omacl.org/Anglo/part1.html
او راجعوا : The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle
يالها من معجزة !!
واليكم الفقرة :
A.D. 685 This year King Everth commanded Cuthbert to be
consecrated a bishop; and Archbishop Theodore, on the first day
of Easter, consecrated him at York Bishop of Hexham; for Trumbert
had been deprived of that see. The same year Everth was slain by
the north sea, and a large army with him, on the thirteenth day
before the calends of June. He continued king fifteen winters;
and his brother Elfrith succeeded him in the government. Everth
was the son of Oswy. Oswy of Ethelferth, Ethelferth of Ethelric,
Ethelric of Ida, Ida of Eoppa. About this time Ceadwall began to
struggle for a kingdom. Ceadwall was the son of Kenbert, Kenbert
of Chad, Chad of Cutha, Cutha of Ceawlin, Ceawlin of Cynric,
Cynric of Cerdic. Mull, who was afterwards consigned to the
flames in Kent, was the brother of Ceadwall. The same year died
Lothhere, King of Kent; and John was consecrated Bishop of
Hexham, where he remained till Wilferth was restored, when John
was translated to York on the death of Bishop Bosa. Wilferth his
priest was afterwards consecrated Bishop of York, and John
retired to his monastery (21) in the woods of Delta. This year
there was in Britain a bloody rain, and milk and butter were
turned to blood.
المصدر : http://omacl.org/Anglo/part1.html
او راجعوا : The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle