كتابه قصه بالانجلش...طريقه سهله

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  • اليسال
    V - I - P
    • Mar 2016
    • 2777

    رد: كتابه قصه بالانجلش...طريقه سهله

    طيب رح أختار قصة قصيرة عن التسامح ونبدا:
    .Once a pon time two friends wolk in the sahara so they fight and one of them hit the other on his face so the fiend who had been hitten wrote on the sands:today my best fiend hit me...after that they contenue walking so the friend who had been hitten in the ferst time had stuck in movving sands and was going under so his friend save hem so he wrote on a rock:today my best friend save my life...so his friend wonder and ask him:why in the ferst time you wrote on sands and now in a rock..so he smile and said:when some one heart us we have to write his do on a sands cause the win of forgeveness will delated but when he save our lives we have to writed on a rock to stay forever in our minds...
    .ترجمة القصة موجودة على هاد الرابط


    • مآريا ..}
      V - I - P
      • May 2016
      • 2569

      رد: كتابه قصه بالانجلش...طريقه سهله

      يسلمووووو الايادي
      شكررررررا على مساعدتك


      • اليسال
        V - I - P
        • Mar 2016
        • 2777

        رد: كتابه قصه بالانجلش...طريقه سهله

        no don't care my love it's nothing


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