كيفيه صياغه الاسئله والاجابه عليها
صييغه السسؤال تبدا ب H.v or Wh Q
H.v = Helping verbs ( الافععال المسساعده )
وطببعا راح يتتغير صييغه السؤال بتغيير الزمن
راح نبدا ب Wh Q
(what , where , when , who , why , whose , how )
اذا كنا حانسال عن شئ مففرد نستخخدم is
what is this ..?
( ماهذا الشئ )
it is a camera
في حاله الجممع نستخخدم are
where are my keys?
( اين مفاتيحي )
theyre on the table
ب استخدام H.V ..
( is , am , are )
Am i early?
yes , you are
No , your not
Is she from brazil?
yes,she is
No,shes not
Are they in house?
yes,they are
No, theyre not
ب استخخدام Can
what can you XXXX?
( ماذا يمكنك ان تطهو)
i can XXXX rice and meat but i cant XXXX fish
( يمكنني ان اطهو الرز و اللحم لكن لايمكنني ان اطهو السمك )
Can you XXXX?
( هل يمكنك الطهو )
yes, i can
No, i cant
صياغه السؤال عند تغيير الزمن ..
صياغه السؤال ف present continuous ( المضارع المستمر )
قاعده ..
نضييف ing للفعل
ب Wh Q
What are you doing now..?
( مالذي تفعله الان )
im waching t.v
( اشاهد التلفاز )
ب H.V
Are they sleeping?
yes,they are
No,theyre not
صياغه السسؤال ف present simple ( المضضارع البسييط )
(Do (i , you , we , they , p.n
p.n = plural XXXX ( اسم الجمع )
اضافه s للفععل + ( Does (she , he , it , s.n
s.n = single XXXX ( اسم مفرد )
What do you read?
i read book
What does she read?
she reads book
ب استخدام Do + Does
Do you get up early?
yes, i do
no , i dont
ملاحظظه ..
في السؤال اذا بدانا ب doesلا نضييف s للفعل
ال s نضييفها بس في الاجوبه المثبتته
Does lena live in jeddah ?
yes . she does
no, she doesnt
ب استخدام have + had
قاعده ..
Do ( i , you , we , they , p.XXXX ) have
Does (she , he , it , s.XXXX ) has
ملاحظظه ..
نستخخدم have ..
عند السؤال والنفي في كلا الحالتيين
Do you have a dinner?
yes , i have
No, i dont have
Does she have a dinner ?
yes,she has
No , she dosent have
ب استخخدام any + some
ملاحظظه ..
any = دائما تجي في السسؤال + في النفي
some = تستخدم في الاجابه والجمل المثبته فقط
Do you need any eggs?
yse, i need some eggs
no , i dot need any eggs
وب استخخدام الححال ..
(alwys - usually - often - sometimes - rarely=hardly never - never )
What do you usually eat for breakfact?
( ماذا تتناول غالبا على الافطار )
i usually have tost with some cheese
Do you ever eat fish for breakfact ?
( هل سبق لك تناول السمك ع الافطار )
yes, i always do
sometimes i do
no, i never do
طريقه صيياغه السؤال ف future( المستقبل )
what are you going to do?
im going to take my family out for dinner
Are the friends going to with u?
yes,theyr going with my
no,they arent
استخخدام have + feel .. عند الاجابه .
What is the matter \ What is wrong?
i have a headech
i have the flu
how are you \ how do you feel?
i feel better
i dont feel well</STRONG