استخدام ضمير الوصل Whose

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  • شوـوـوق ..}
    V - I - P
    • Jan 2015
    • 1782

    استخدام ضمير الوصل Whose

    استخدام ضمير الوصل Whose

    * نستخدم ضمير الوصل whose لكي نتحدث عن الملكية .

    There's the man . His wallet was stolen

    There's the man whose wallet was stolen *

    ** لاحظ أن ضمير الوصل whose يشير إلي the man ولذلك يأتي بعده مباشرة.

    *** ضمير الوصل whose يمكن أن يشير إلي :

    1) الناس :

    Workers whose wages are low should be paid more

    ( عمال workers - أجور wages )

    * لاحظ أن whose تشير إلي workers .

    2) الدول :

    We are a nation whose wealth comes mainly from industry

    ( أمة / شعب nation - ثروة wealth - الصناعة industry )

    * whose تشير إلي nation

    3) الحيوانات :

    Lively Lady " was the horse whose jocky fell "

    ( حصان horse - راكب الحصان jockey - سقط fell )

    * whose تشير إلي the horse

    4) الأشياء :

    That's the farm whose owner went to Australia

    ( مزرعة farm - مالك owner )

    * whose تشير إلي the farm

    *** لاحظ الفرق بين whose و who's :

    * who's لا تستخدم أبدا للملكية ولكنها اختصار who is أو who has .

    She's the one who's lending us the money

    ( who's lending = who is lending ) ( يقرض / يسلف lend )

    She's the signer who's just signed a contract with a recording company

    ( who's just signed = who has just signed )

    ( وقع signed - عقد contract )

    أمثلة أخري :

    1) She's the journalist . Her article was on the front page of the Times

    She's the journalist whose article was on the front page of the Times -

    ( صحفية journalist - مقالة article )

    * لاحظ أن whose تشير إلي the journalist ولذلك جاءت بعدها مباشرة بدلا

    من صفة الملكية her .
    2) I'm the person . You stayed in my flat

    I'm the person whose flat you stayed in -

    * لاحظ أن whose تشير إلي the person وإنها حلت محل صفة الملكية my

    ولكن نضع whose flat بعد ما تشير إليه مباشرة ( the person ) .
  • Off The Grid
    كُلُّهُم رَحَلـوا ...
    • Dec 2004
    • 4012

    رد: استخدام ضمير الوصل Whose

    No one likes pinning too many points between ideas that could easily be gathered together with a little help from possessive pronouns . The first example above, perfectly illustrates the " magic " of these pronouns , and as you could notice , they undoubtedly help smoothing out our sentences in English , in a way that makes them look more neat and professional
    التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة Off The Grid; 29-07-2015, 07:08 PM.


    • شوـوـوق ..}
      V - I - P
      • Jan 2015
      • 1782

      رد: استخدام ضمير الوصل Whose

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