the greatest pain in life

  • الوقت
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إلغاء تحديد الكل
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  • دلوعه كتير
    V - I - P
    • May 2013
    • 5217

    the greatest pain in life

    The greatest
    pain in life is not to die , but
    to ignored.
    To lose the person you love so
    much to another who doesnt
    car at all :(
    the greatest pain in life is not
    to die but to be forgotten .
    When you show someone
    your innermost thoughts and
    he laughs in your face
    for friends to always he too busy to console you when
    you need someone to lift your
    spirits when it seems liKe the
    only person who cares about
    yoy is you lift is full of pain
    but does it ever get better
    will people ever care about
    each other and make time for
    those who are in need . Each
    of us has apart to play in this
    great play we call life . If you
    do not care about your friends
    you will not be punisged you
    will simply be ignored forgotten as you have done to others

  • Glory
    عضو ذهبي
    • Nov 2013
    • 823

    the greatest pain in life

    As you say this play called life ..
    There are many factions of people ..
    someone busy time and at other times not busy ..
    and friends in need .. thankful you enjoyed reading this thread really ..
    thank you ..
    Cheers .. violently! # ~..


    • maiosh
      عـضـو فعال
      • Nov 2013
      • 232

      رد: the greatest pain in life

      Sweet Abaratk about the greatest pain you greetings


      • Off The Grid
        كُلُّهُم رَحَلـوا ...
        • Dec 2004
        • 4011

        رد: the greatest pain in life

        Lack of empathy always widens the distance between people . It turns them into strangers , no matter how hard they try to stay close to each other


        Nice try , sweetie

        Though , there are several mistakes I need to show you , so you won't repeat them in the future . I'll be back


        • King-10
          عضو ماسي
          • Jan 2009
          • 1260
          • *

            " اعلم ان لكل شي نهايه "

          رد: the greatest pain in life

          Great Maiosh. Keep trying. I'll not interfere to the subject, but l'll encourage the trial.


          • دلوعه كتير
            V - I - P
            • May 2013
            • 5217

            رد: the greatest pain in life

            Thank you for all


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